Thanks writers island! I really like this weeks prompt.
It truly made me think about how many treasures are in our lives. Somedays just seem to get to you and you may lose sight of what is really important. Family, Friendships, Love, Community, Health and THE MEMORIES. I treasure the memories that make up my life. The treasured memories I share and the protected treasured memories. The memories of my childrens lives and the memories that my husband has shared so often of his youth, I feel like they are my memories as well. My friends and dear clients shared memories, some amusing some unbearably heartbreaking. Even some Memories of my fellow bloggers have been sweet treasures as well. While I was reading and enjoying Rels touching memory of losing his childhood innocence, it triggered my memory back to the same emotional situation for my own son. When my youngest was 10 yrs. old, he found a wrapped present in my room a few weeks before Christmas with a tag saying 'Love, Santa'. He looked quizzically at me and asked " How is this possible??" Many Lies went through my mind, but because only the week before I had overheard his friends laughing about another boy who "still believed', I decided it was time to have 'the talk'. I remember mentioning that it is about believing in the 'magic of Christmas" and how Santa lives in all of us.( Very Polar Express-ish stuff) Well, Nothing I could have said could have made this devastating blow any softer. How I wish I could go back and choose option B ( Santa delivers early to the good little boys?) but alas his memory is what it is. And mine will always be this.... His loathing look as he said in a crushed voice " I can't explain it right now, but I just don't love you anymore". Oh! a dagger straight on through the evil Mothers heart and out the other side! It took many weeks and many talks with him for him to truly understand my "lying to him for his whole life" and to win his forgiveness. As upsetting as it was... it is still a treasured memory.(Thanks Rel)
Another (less traumatic) treasured memory I would love to share... When expecting my first son.. I had terrible back labor. So while trying to breathe through the strong contractions my husband would rub my back. During one BIG one-He was rubbing in the wrong spot... my pain was lower. I could barely speak through the pain and my lamaze breathing but I managed( through gritted teeth) to mutter " Low, Low". He apparently didn't hear me correctly- He continued to rub much higher than the pain, BUT, he now began BLOW BLOWING in my ear! Only a few minutes After our beautiful son was born I looked at my husband and said 'BLOW?? Why in the world, would you think I would need you to blow in my ear??" We laughed about and told this story for many years.
One of the many things I am loving about blogging is I feel like I am preserving some of lifes everyday moments.... Like when you blog about singing in the car with your husband....Or the time when your cockapoo ran off Or a favorite dance on a silly T.v. show ... Whatever it is. I think by documenting these events in this way, someday I will delightfully re-read them and say "Oh yeah! I had forgotten about that! Creating more lifetime memories to smile about and forever treasure. Thinking of this right now...kind of makes me want to try to blog more often about those little things. After all, the little things can sometimes bring the greatest happiness. :))
That 'santa' facts sounds so sad. But I think it's better for him to know th truth.
Thanks for sharing your precious memories...
Hey, check out my blog to see how i've tagged you :)
ftr, Donny, Mark and I remain lifelong friends. We laugh about this scene now with adult insight, but at the time my world was crushed.
Like you I blog to record my history old and new, not only for me, but for those who come after me, ie; my children and theirs. I missed, have forgotten or failed to ask about so much that my parents, aunts and uncles could have imparted to me. Now they and their stories are gone forever. so i write as much as I can remember to pass along. Theirs mine, and theirs (the kids;))
My treasure will be written on the morn...My greatest treasure is forgiveness...given as well as recieved.
Hi Lucy! I tagged you for a meme. Visit me for details.
thanks for sharign these stories, I e njoyed reading them. Santa has to be uncovered at some point for all of us, if it hadn't been then it would have been soon afterwards
Blow.... blow me timbers....I am laughing my ass off....we all know how much I need that!! Keep those treasures coming Lucy lu!!! I had to read the Santa one to the kids, then when I proceeded, well, we were in hysterics!! Poor kid finding out that way. Better if a sibling tells them. Then you can remain on your pedestal!
I used to tell Pepper the only time I ever lied to her was at Christmas and easter. That's because she would grill the heck out of me to get hints about her gifts. Santa and the bunny just fell in with the other deceptions!
Great post Lucy, really jam pack full of fun and emotion!
Love and hugs
"Blow, blow..." Hilarious story, although I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time. Your post is a reminder of why we must cherish our memories.
I love this post. It really lets you truly reflect on what is important to you and that is so awesome how you captured and shared a few of your touching moments with us. It kept me hanging onto everyword. A tear down my cheek with the Santa talk. I know that talk will be here for mine someday just hopefully not soon.
Great post.
Thanks for sharing these memories. A blog is a treasure chest of your life that you can save and pass on.
Wonderful post!
Time changes memories just enough to allow the laughter that most of them deserve!! I love your post, your thoughts and your not-so-funny-then blow, blow... Just love this post!
So much of what I would like to say has already been said. Those Santa years are long gone for my kids now, but there is a new generation of believers on my family - my three beautiful grandchildren. If only it was true!
OMG, Lucy! Now you KNOW you've often had me laughing my ass off when I've read a post of your's, but this time was the best thus far. Blow?!! It reminded me of my first labor hours with David, when Chris said, during a particularly painful few minutes, "Jen, don't forget to breathe, like they taught us during Lamaze." I yelled back, "Breathe? I'll tell YOU where YOU can put those Lamaze breathing lessons..."
No Santa? Whadaya mean there's no Santa, Lucy? You've got some splaining to do missy...
Cheers, from a believing spider
I felt a little pang in my heart too reading the Santa story.
Now, the BLOW story. I started laughing and couldn't stop. My husband keeps asking me whats so funny. Everytime I try to tell him I start laughing before I can finish.:0) I'm still trying to tell him.
lucy you had me crying and laughing at the same time, thanks to you, I didnt miss out his post either....I agree with you memories are priceless...you do covey such a beautiful and wise message, thank you.
Wonderful, wonderful post - so much telling, emotion - a post to treasure for sure. Thank YOU!
I enjoyed this post so much! I had to tell my twins Santa wasn't "real" less than a year ago. It wasn't easy. They were already 10, and I didn't want them to get made fun of. It was so sweet having them believe, and they WANTED so much to believe! Why can't we all believe?
And thanks for the reminder that we are creating journals of precious memories with our blogs. I sure enjoyed reading this.
Memories, the snapshots of our lives, are amazing treasures. Thanks for sharing yours, dear Lucy.
Peace & love, JP/deb
one of the most cherished posts i have read regarding treasures...thank you so much for sharing...
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