I have a friend in need and feel so frustrated and helpless. When the working poor can NOT make ends meet and go to various services for help, but are turned down because they don't meet the ridiculous specific criteria, there is something VErY wrong in our country! My friend is a hard worker despite a chronic illness. She is on her own and although her apartment is very small, it is still very expensive to pay the rent and utility bills. Recently she was sick and had to miss work, which meant she was not able to pay her oil bill. Yesterday, during the blizzard we had, this lovely woman was freezing and hungry. Just Last night, I found out just how tragic her situation is. I had no idea. I reached out to her and asked her if she would sleep at my house, but she declined, and of course with the blizzard it would have been impossible to shovel out and drive here. I would like to pay her oil bill, but unfortunately I can barely pay mine, which was over 600 this month.
Living on long island is becoming nearly impossible for the average home owner like me.
I've invited her to dinner this weekend and plan on doing that very often,but this deserving person needs much more than a few dinners and a warmer home. She needs a better paying job. She is a college graduate yet she's not able to find sufficient paying work in her field. I know her story is not a unique one. There are so many people in this kind of situation. My friend sends out resumes all the time, with no luck. What can be done to help her? I am wishing to start some kind of fund-raiser for her, although.. That would be like a band-aid on a severed limb.
Regardless! ... I am determined to try..
Any ideas on How I can raise money? What types of fund-raisers have you seen? I so appreciate all my blog buddies words of wisdom and any input. Thanks for listening!
I have an EXciting update to share...
One of my special angel friends...read this post and has brought me a generous monetary gift to pass on to my friend. WHAT a Beautiful, compassionate soul! Thank-you from the bottom of my heart! xox
2 days ago
Hey Lucy is she or you for that matter a member of the VFW, American Legion, Moose, Elks or some such club - they often have "benefits" to help their members in situations just like this. The whole situation in this country is soooooooooooo sad and don't even get me started on all the political UNcorrectness of most of it. I know many utility companies also offer additional insulation for homes and low income programs for those in need. I'll keep her in my prayers.
I am not working and can't give any money, but I can pray for her and you a friend trying to help and make a difference. All the best Lucy. PJ
That's so sad. There are so many people in this type of situation. Fundraising is a band-aid, true, but Lu, it's better than nothing! Ya know? You are such a kind, thoughtful, friend.
You can set up a new PayPal account (if you don't already have one) so people online can donate easily. Maybe start a blog about her, without naming her, unless she agrees, and most likely she won't because she has her pride. I don't know what else. Tamy had some good suggestions. Even if she isn't a member, you could check with those organizations and see if there is any help.
I can't believe you have an oil bill that high! That's worse than our electricity in summertime in Houston, 100 degree weather in a 2 story house! Crazy! No wonder people can't afford to live there.
Sometimes people have to relocate where they can find work. Does she have any other family either on LI or anywhere else? Maybe she could send out resume's nationwide. I know it may not be what she wants, but it is something to consider. Some parts of the US are hurting economically worse than others. Sorry for writing a "book" but this really touches the heart. Oh, check with area churches and see if your oil company has an assistance program. I know our electric company does. And one more thing. This is so sorrowful because I know people here in my city who are working the system and getting benefits they dont' deserve, and people like her can't qualify for anything. It's just wrong.
thanks so much Tamy, Peggy anD Diana!
I don't think she belongs to those clubs but I will ask her. And Diana, i love that you wrote a 'book'. You big heart really shows! thanks so much for the suggestions xox
Did your friend apply for the federal fuel assistance? The application for this winter of 09 & 10 has to be by March 31.2010. She can contact your county agency for help.
Has she used the local food shelf? Around here they are a true blessing. It has helped stretch my food dollar. We have other food donation organizations here too. I would check with the local food shelf to see what else may be available in your area.
I'll put her in my prayers.
omg 2 cats.. i googled many things but didn't find a FEDERAL fuel assistance program.. i am off to find that now! she has found a place that helps with food. thanks so much for your input!
I have an EXciting update to share...
One of my special angel friends...read this post and has brought me a generous monetary gift to pass on to my friend. WHAT a Beautiful, compassionate soul!
Lucy you are a conduit to good things...so happy for the angel, and happy she is under your wings too....You are doing a fabulous and loving job!!
I will send prayers....
Love Giggles
I have no ideas about fundraising for your friend, but I do think that you must not underestimate what your "band-aid" ideas can do for her. Anything (small bouquet of flowers, candy bars, a scarf, a bottle of wine, some pretty pads of paper with pens) that shows someone else cares about her is contributing to helping her, imho.
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