The other day my youngest son and I went to the dentist. He had to have 3 primary teeth extracted. He has always been a great dental patient and has never had a cavity. He handled this visit like the other visits and truly like he handles most everything in life- "no big deal mom". I was talking about him to our dentist when I was in the chair. ( Yeah, unlike my silver-free son- I had Another cavity) This sweetheart kid has been literally No trouble since the day he was born. Of course like all kids he has had a few accidents. He has had more broken bones and scraped elbows and knees than his big brothers. He needed surgery twice as a child. But I'm talking about trouble, trouble. You know what I mean? NEVER in his entire life has he been a behavior problem or has he had a fight or any trouble with another kid. NEVER in his life has he mouthed off to me or his dad, been a brat, had a temper tantrum, been disrespectful in any way. He is an easy kid. He is almost too compliant. NEVER in his entire academic career has he ever needed or wanted help with homework.( Probably why he is doing so well!) NEVER has he been in trouble at school. I really thought about all this as I saw him emerge from the office with a mouthful of gauze, a head full of messy chair hair. I tell this child how much I love him everyday, and I DO tell him he is a wonderful person. I just really, really need to express it to him and to me. I think we take easy kids for granted. As I hugged him and made sure he was okay, I asked him if he wanted to go to Toys R Us for a slinky dog? Of Course at 14 he looked at me like I was crazy AND embarrassing! ( 2 of my best motherly attributes) Seeing him, brought back the strongest memory of being a kid, getting teeth pulled and then going to the 5 & 10 cent store and being allowed to choose a brown slinky dog as a reward for being so brave. The memory was crystal clear and happy. I so seldom have such strong, positive memories of my childhood. That slinky dog really thrilled me! Instead, My brave one accepted an invitation to an italian ice outing after the Novocain wore off. (Maybe, I will slip a slinky dog in his Christmas stocking, just for the fun of it)
(hope you stay and listen to one of my Favorite Lennon songs)
Crazy and embarassing Lucy you're the best. You must get him the dog for Christmas. He might not appreciate it now, but in the future it'll mean something to him. Great story.
I had a slinky dog too! and I agree that you should put one under the Christmas tree for him!
i wish i still had my slinky dog :)
What a wonderful memory. You are so right about the easy-going children. Beautiful song...
Ouch!! I hope your son feels better - the Italian ice might be just the right thing.
Hey Lucy, that child needs a big hugs, you definitely need to get him a REAL slinky dog after getting three teeth extracted! That’s what Bryan wants. A wiener dog! Pepper got twenty dollars when her first tooth fell out. Yeah I wasn’t too popular when all the other kids only got a dollar! I had to tell her that she received more because it was her very first tooth and it had no cavities! Phew…then I got smart and gave her five dollars….just kidding!!! I gave her coins instead! I had friends tell me I needed a bad kid, to know what it was like. No thank you I will stick with my Princess. Don’t ever under estimate the element of embarrassment; it was a form of coercion in my house. I threatened to say hi to every high school classmate as I drove by them if she didn’t obey me!!! She was always good! Coaxing helps!!! I love Italian ice, and gelato. I have been thinking about that song so much lately. Here it is!!! Have a great day!
Hugs Sherrie
I wish I had a slinky dog! You are blessed and lucky to have such an easy going child. My son has braces. He's also had a few cavities and one extraction. Always, he handled it with calm and ease. Now if I could only love the dentist that much!
thanks everyone! I can't wait to shop for that dog! :)
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