Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dance Dance Dance

I LOVE to dance!!

Please click HERE To see- My 3 sons & I, dancing with much Christmas spirit!
Then I hope you come back and click here and watch me dance with my other 3 elves. ( I mean family members!)
Hope this puts you in the spirit too!

Seriously though! It is funny that this is the sunday scribblings
prompt. I just decided to go back to dancing school!
I contacted the school I attended THIRTY-FIVE years ago! ( No! the teacher isn't dead by now!! He is still 'kickin'! )
Since I just can't get back into exercising... I thought why not do something I love! Something I don't think I will
consider merely exercising. I will let you know How it goes!
( In this older post
you will remember I talked about and showed a picture from dancing school. Despite Mr. Vic's cheerleader remark, I am going to embark! )

thanks for the elf laughs Sherrie!


Anonymous said...

Good for you! It sounds like a fabulous idea. Have fun, fun , fun!

nonizamboni said...

Well, Mark Twain was right. What a fun post! And you made my day. The world needs more dancers like you. thanks for sharing.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love dancing too! It's great that you're going back to class!

Preethi said...

The elves dance was fun to watch :) Thanks for posting that!!! And dancing school... wow what fun!!

Devil Mood said...

Oh that's so exciting, I'm delighted for you.
I love dancing, I do it every day :)

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Do what you love! Dance when it is unexpected...jodi barone

Tammy Brierly said...

OMG that was too funny! Good for you on going back. I'd love to go back. CHEERS!

paisley said...

those little dancing elves are just too cute... and i commend your decision to go back to dancing school... what an awesome way to exercise!!!

Anonymous said...

I love those elf thingies, makes me wanna try my own...hmm maybe I will. Return to dance school, definitely a great decision :) Thanks.

colleen said...

It took awhile to download but I was curious enough to wait. Here's mine that I did a couple of weeks ago.

Tumblewords: said...

Wow! I'm impressed. Dance school - how cool!

Gill said...

You go girl! I think it's wonderful that you are going back to dance school - what fun!

Robin said...

You make adorable elves! And dance school, how cool is that.

Patois42 said...

I so love those elves! I did one a few days ago and I just love looking at them again and again. Cool that you're taking up dance again. You're a braver soul than I am.

Jane said...

Fantastic Lucy!! I love that you're going back to dance class! Hope all is well at your end :)


sister AE said...

congratulations on dancing school - it will be excellent exercise. have fun!

Giggles said...

I read this when you first posted but didn't have time to comment....adorable...and I had quite the giggle! Especially when I saw the dogs..... Dancing has always been a love of mine too! Many women dance for exercise, good on you!

Love ya