I picked it up and drove it over to my husbands apartment. We actually decorated it with tinsel, lights and a few sparkling trinkets and it added so much warmth to that little place, which eventually became my little place too!
I don't remember too many of my early Christmas memories. What I do remember is more from the stories I have been told. My Dad, who had contracted a heart condition from Rheumatic fever as a child, passed away 2 weeks before Christmas. I was three, my sister was nine and my brother, 12. I was told my mom was (understandably) so distraught she didn't buy presents or decorate or acknowledge that it was Christmas. My Aunt ( my Moms brothers wife) bought presents for my sister, brother and I and insisted we all come to her home for Christmas day. It is a very fond memory for my siblings. My sister told me this story when I was about 12 and that Christmas I wrote a very heartfelt letter of thanks to that Aunt who was the kindest to us in our time of need. She is still one of the sweetest people I know.
The only early memory that really is my own, Is the memory of not being able to sleep on Christmas Eve and waking up and snooping at the gifts under our tree. I recently wrote a poem about this that I am actually proud of! So, I would like to share it again for Sundays Scribblings appropriate prompt holiday memories
Tip toe barefoot undaunted by the night
darkened house lit only by Angel-light
Dry needles tinsel on faux pads of white snow
Cling to tip toes tip toes as she creeps down real low
Haunted by whispered naughtiness, she should be asleep in bed
Shhhh! Haunted by inquisitiveness, she must first peep instead
Quiet as can be, embellished surprises get a gentle shake
rustling sounds of papers echo however others do not wake
Not quite believing nonetheless conceiving this evenings magical delight
Tip toes, toes cold, tips back under warm covers finally asleep till first light
fun memory-One year our 'usual' Santa passed the job to our oldest son and was able to get a different perspective!

Sexy Memories-My 'Mr. Claus' would always get a bit naughty with me!
Wishing everyone a naughty Christmas Eve!
GREAT Sunday Scribbling! i like the way you write.
This is such a cozy post! I too would sneak and look under the tree at all the presents, then bounce back to bed! Very sad for your siblings, you were probably too young to feel the impact of the Christmas void. You and hubby are adorable....ah YOUTH...wasted on the young!! Started a letter to you yesterday and couldn't get it finished!!
Hugs sweet lady!! Merry mistletoe and all that jazz....wink wink!
Thank God for the Aunt Marie's of the world!
Wonderful poem.....it reminds me of a childrens author/poet named Sherre Fitch. She's from here, but I think you could find her books online. She wrote a story about a little girl who gets up in the middle of the night and has to tiptoe past all the sleeping dragons who were all around her house!
Merry Christmas Lucy.
ps. sang carols last night at a friend's house and didn't cry!! heehee
I like how you were able to show us that little girl tiptoeing around the house! I was right there with her.
I love how your family pulled together for you kids..... so heartwarming.....
And Santa... too funny!!
Merry Christmas!
What sweet memories of Christmas! Love the Charlie Brown tree. And such a good aunt.
Merry Christmas Lucy.
Much love to you and yours,
Love the poem
What a lovely aunt, and what a great poem.
i just love your family.. you guys are tops!!!!!
merry christmas lucy... i am so glad i met you!!!!
A sweetly sad story after the sweetly funny one. You and your husband bonded over a Christmas tree!
Everyone should have an Aunt Marie there when they need one.
Lovely poem Lucy.
Merry Christmas Lucy!
Merry Christmas, Lucy, Peter and family!!
Your sweet poem captured a fond childhood "moment in time." I'll bet there's not a person reading your poem who didn't at least contemplate doing the peeking you did, if not having done it outright. Geesh, to this day I lift, turn and shake gently a package that's placed under the tree! Guess I'll always be a kid at heart.
Thank you, dear Lucy, for my cute ornament. Will put a photo of Chloe, our cat, in it just to befuddle the dog on the frame!! Ha!
Oh Lucy this was beautiful, loved the tip toes, hope your xmas was wonderful...here's wishing you a wonderful 2008!
how incredibly beautiful honey and tee hee ... a wee bit naughty!! lol
A stirring story - lots of good memories tucked in it...and the poem is delicious...
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