Notice the black and white speckled counter? That is paint not formica. Ever since he did that finish, Everyone kept assuming it was formica. Notice the purple wall? The gray wall unit in the background? NOtice MY clock? it was turquoise. Check out the old dull gray waiting area chairs.
Here is a better shot of the counter top painted the 'old' way.
Are you ready for the Gorgeous transformation? Are you sure??
TA DA! This is THE same counter top! Faux painted in coppers and bronzes,it now has a metal look.
He also added antique handles and medallions to give the overall appearance an antiquated look, that I desired. Here are--My Yellow WAlls!! This picture doesn't show up the textured look the glazed finish creates but I am really happy with the bright color change! another VERY dramatic change that I absolutely am thrilled with.. Notice the new FRAMED mirror!! My husbands idea turned out stunning! here is a closer look.. He hand painted each decorative grove... (oh, in this photo is also my BIG contribution- our little clock is now Plum!)
Here I sit (again,no makeup,hair a mess,BOTCHED eyebrow!) IN our New waiting area!! I LOVE the new look and I am so happy we found these art deco-ish Prints! I think they're so appropriate for a salon. Each print has knock out clothes and DOGS! two of my favorite things!!
I hope my clients will feel as good as I do in this space!
because I do tend to get carried away.. below is the corner of the room where my shampoo sink is
below is a detailed look at the wall unit which also received the new (actually VERY old) handles and the handpainted medallions. We have an antique dresser in our garage that got ruined with a leaky roof! We were going to trash it, but we decided to use it to store tools and junk. THE handles however..were Perfect accents for my salon draws! great idea, no?
Can I show you just a few more shots? I like the angel better of this waiting area photo... and the other gorgeous art deco lady who is on the wall near the bathroom door..
we found this cute piece of metal art at Home goods and It was ideal to cover an old phone jack that mistakenly was on this wall.. My husband decided to give it a few brush strokes to customize it to my new decor. check it out now...
The only thing I still need to do, is to find some type of valance for the windows. I've never been swift at the whole curtain thing. I feel lost in that dep't. What's the right rod for what style curtain? I saw something today, but I was too unsure to take it home. I think I may have to turn to a girlfriend for help when it comes to the window treatments. Hopefully you will see that photo soon!
thanks for looking! Love to know if you love it as much as me!!
oh I love the color and everything looks so nice. lots of work. bet your glad its over. looks like a brand new place.
The color is gorgeous. I thought it looked okay before, but now it looks like a Hollywood salon for celebrity clientel. I am so impressed!
Lucy I got goosebumps....when I saw the barbicide in the middle of the counter with all the products around it...OMG it was exactly like my moms.
The two chairs at the counter with the big mirror and about the same length too! Keep in mind I cleaned it every single day growing up! I see you have brown towels and they are folded the same as I folded moms, only she had white. I prefer the brown ones. I don't own many white things. I am going to root down a picture so I can show you!! Unreal....feels so familiar to me, except the make over is absolutely fabulous!!! Just amazing how he funked everything up. That mirror frame looks so good with the green and yellow...I love how shiny everything is too! He did a meticulous job.... Very sharp. I love the two little chairs in the waiting room with the pillows too...are they from costco? The rug and everything looks so classy and rich!! Kudos to Mr Petals!! Wonderful colors, the prints are fun!!
As for the curtains....keep a really open mind when looking for fabric can use fancy sheets, or table cloths...then just sew them at the top, make sure you measure a full amount of material so it's at least could even iron on stitch witchery if you don't sew. I couldn't find purple curtains, but I found fancy sheets for my family room. I also have a set of white sheets with a fancy bottom, behind the purple so they don't fade! I got them in a reduced bin too!! Win win for me. People are shocked when I tell them!
Love your funky little clock...such a good job, pretty color...So happy for you and thanks for showing it all. I thought the old shop looked nice too! But a change is as good as a rest!Especially such a fancy change!!!Very impressive!! I just love makeovers!!!
Big hugs Sherrie
The color is great - I love yellow walls. How exciting to have a "new" workplace.
You tell Mr. Petals he is a true artist! What a beautiful transformation. Now you can raise your prices with the new "high end" look. lol That's what Tabitha would do. lol
Love it. Do I need to make an appointment?
Wow! What a makeover! I especially love the deco-look plum clock. It's designy AND you can probably see the time clearly from anywhere in the room.
I've been looking forward to this! Everything looks great - so classy! I love the colors and decor you've chosen. A job well-done!
WOW! i Love how it turned out!
You and the hubs did a really great job!
Best wishes and I hope you get increased business!
I just couldn't believe it was the same place! I scrolled down and then up and then down
You got one talented hubby and you got great taste! The pictures look great, the counters, the chairs, the rugs...everything!! Of course the dogs look fabulous too ;) Now don't you wish you had a cess pool months ago? ROFL
You're one 'lucky' lady ;)
What a fabulous transformation! Now that's a room I would love to spend some time in :)
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