did u ever do something that wasn't even funny, but you find yourself laughing about it days later?
The other day I went to the drive up window at CVS to drop off a script for my husband. The girl asked for his date of birth and told me to come back in an hour. As I drove maybe 6 ft away, my son looked at me and said.. 'Mom you just said dads b.d was 10/16, that's not right. I Stopped the car and said "I said that? are u sure?" Instead of backing the car up the few ft. I jumped out, ran back to the window and knocked on it. A New clerk opened the window with annoyance and with an attitude yelled... "You've got to come inside, Only people with cars can come to the window" So I pointed over to my car the few feet away and sweetly said.. "Oh I do, I have a car... It's over there." She looked at me like I was crazy (geee I HAVE been getting that look a lot lately) then I asked to speak to the other clerk.
When I got back in my car, I just couldn't stop laughing. I said to my son.. WHY didn't I just back up? He laughed and said.. "I don't know why you do half the things you do!"
Here it is 2 days later and I am still finding humor somewhere in this silly story.
with your luck you would of backed up into another car. Better walk.
Hehe I'm always wondering why I do half the things that I do too!
Only you, Lucy! I do things like that all the time. Sometimes I find myself laughing at something that happened a few days ago, and of course, people wonder why I'm laughing, my own family even, and they think I'm crazy. Maybe I am!
If Lucy didn't do that kind of thing, Lucy wouldn't be Lucy!
You are definately a Lucy and I am howling....all but crying in laughter....this is SOOO FUNNY. When you said Oh I do have a car it's over there....I lost it!! Then your son saying what my daughter always says...."I don't know why you do half the things you do!" Lucky I was a little bit crazy before I got old....now I am card carrying crazy!!
Big hugs...for the pee my pants laugh!
You nut! Thanks for the laugh :)
This kind of post is why we love you! The honesty and humor of everyday things we have all done can always be enjoyed here!
I think it's important to step back and be able to laugh at ourselves! Great story Lucy :) JP/deb
I'm glad I'm not the only person this sort of thing happens to. I have more of what you might call a freak accident where I smash my finger in the lid of a water bottle? Now, how in the world can that happen?
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