Today my husband and I celebrate our 28th anniversary!
I've decided to re-post something I wrote back in June,
when I was going through a (thankfully fine now) health scare...
No matter what I have to go through in my life
there is one thing I can depend on. The unconditional
love and tremendous support I receive from my husband.
We have been through many difficult bumps in the
28 years we have been married. There were times when
we both felt we just couldn't take another beating. Life
sometimes has a way of making you feel like that. Like
it's round 12 and You just can't keep fighting, can't keep
trying to get back up from every stressful punch. We've discussed
how typical it would have been, to be crushed to a point where we
would have given up on each other through all the knockouts.
Instead, somehow we persevered and our marriage actually grew stronger
in spite of the upsetting difficulties. When he was at his lowest and even
HE felt, many women would have said Adious Baby,
I hung in there and made sure he got back on his feet.
Whenever I am having 'one of those days' where I could so easily
lose it and require a straight jacket, His intuitiveness 'picks up' on those
feelings instantly and He intervenes with various loving gestures..
ALL which seem, like just THE magic potion required for bringing me
back to a normal pulse. Back to handling whatever situation is at hand
that I need to deal with. I've had younger women ask me what I think is the
secret (if you want to call it that) to a long lasting happy marriage.
Besides the obvious - really loving a person. I would say it has to do with
3 C's-
consideration, communication and camaraderie. Being Considerate enough
to put your spouses feelings and needs above your own. Caring for their emotional upsets
and caring to make their life happy. Communicating EVery
feeling you need to express. Caring to want to hear their feelings.
Bouncing thoughts off each other. Never going to bed angry or
without first resolving problems between you.
Camaraderie- actually enjoying each others company. Enjoying some similar interests.
Working together as a team to raise the children. Wanting to spend time together.
I am not sure how 28 years have passed by already. It feels like a blur.
I am hoping we will be able to go the entire distance. I am hoping
we don't get hit below the belt too often.!
In the meantime...
I am confident that any worrisome bout I have to face in my life.. He will
still be my corner man, ready to catch me. With him in my corner, I just can't fall far.
xox I love you honey xox
Wow :)
I can only hope I love my husband-to-be this much 28 yrs in!
Congratulations Lucy. Everything that you wrote is lovely. Although I am young and have only been with my boyfriend 1 and a half years, I feel like I am learning all of those things you mention. I really hope that when I get married I will be just as successful as you :)
Happy anniversary Lucy and your love. I envy you. And Lu, love the hat....
Congratulations! What an accomplishment. Sweet photo, too. Oh, I saw your Nanu-blo-po (whatever it is) button! Yay! We can do it!
Finding a soulmate is rare, but It happened to one special lady! HUG
itagged you. check it out.
Happy Anniversary!! Hope it was great as I'm running a little late.
Belated Happy Anniversary Lucy and hubby!
you can count yourself among the blessed in this department lucy... i for one know how elusive such a love can be,, and that the odds against finding it far outweigh the likelihood...
congrats on your anniversary,, may the two of you enjoy equally as many or more years together!!!!!
Happy Anniversary! xoxo
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