Darkness. She sits alone silently distressed as her racing thoughts scream
Numbly. Her heartsick heart suffers an overwhelmingly weary bleak ache
Briefly. She contemplates helpful solutions to heal anguish and despair
Foolishly. She clutches the vial and resigns- What difference could anything possibly make?
Dark, yes, but I like dark. This is a sharp piece, for being so brief.
Well written!
OMG that was uplifting. lol
Lucy, you've captured the hopelessness and depression in your piece well. Now, if only someone stopping by feeling that way would see the hope and happiness that could lie ahead for them. Well done. Have a nice day.
Very sad and has more than one layer. Well done!
I love your poem, such a true description of those feelings
You can feel the hopelessness. Very well done.
Haunting! Great job!
So glad to be back here Lucy!! Your 3ww piece reminded me of the past three months of my life- how did you get in my head?? how is it in tere anyway? Does anything make sense?? Anyhoos great to see your blogs new digs!! Love it! I hope you're only visiting my sad head and feeling a bit lighter for this too shall pass. Awesome poetic sense too!
Sad and dark, yes, but also well done!
short yet sharp. the image you've paired this piece with fits perfectly too :)
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