The word 'crush' brought me back to my silly youth!
Her heart ache varied from dull to sharp pain
for each 'crush' who didn't even know her name
An eternal knack for choosing THE most unobtainable guy
A young starry-eyed dreamer lusting for pure pie in the sky

you describe the feeling so well, don't we always pick the wrong person to dream after?
Sweet, I remember those days well!
Besides you got the best one in the end anyway!
Love Giggles
pure pie in the sky - this is a cute piece and surely one I can relate and more fun!
A great last line, there.
Good stuff. It's good to get a peek at a woman's perspective.
Ohhh!!!So sweet. Reminds me of my young days.
hey beautiful piece..
Four lines said so much about youth, about that unobtainable guy and whatnot.. Keep going!!
Awwwm that was sweet. And you described those school age crushes quite well. I think those days would have been a bit less exciting without silly crushes.
I can relate Luce! We had to kiss a few frogs to find our princes. :)
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