The sunday scribblings prompt is follow... what do you follow who do you follow, your take on follow..
well if you would kindly follow me... I would just like to tell you how the word follow applied to my day TOdAY...
First at work I had a client telling me in great detail his derogatory opinion of President Obama and WHY he feels We are DOOMED by his administration. I love Obama and found it hard to believe what this man was telling me .. but then again I don't FOLLOW politics as closely as I know i should and to be quite honest.. Much of what I was told today.. I didn't Follow at all!
(it was however the quickest haircut I have ever given! Lately, when I am made to feel uncomfortable... I've been snipping at double time)
After work I decided to take advantage of yet another Gorgeous day and I headed back to the beach board walk for a peaceful brisk walk. At first I was deep in thought, but then I began to realize that EVentually, EVeryone seemed to be passing me... I was constantly the one FOLLOWinG ... Fat people, old people, moms and strollers. I know I have short frog legs... but I was going as fast as those legs could carry me... Yet it was inevitable.. I would hear steps of someone following me... in no time ... they were 1/4 mile ahead of me!! As I was heading east I saw a VerY old woman with one of those walkers with wheels going west... I thought... If this lady ends up passing me... I am in trouble! ( i also thought.. BOY do I give her kudos!)
I followed the beach up with a nice long talk outdoors with my eldest.. and again.. the word FOLLoW kept slipping into the conversation...He suggested I FOlloW his lead and start tucking in my shirts more often!! haha This made me smile.. since he never used to care about fashion. Recently he lost weight and is enjoying this new look (for him) of tucking with a belt! He apparently has all his friends following his trend and ditching their baggy sloppy look for my son's tucked in fever!
(he really had me laughing and of course proud as usual) I took his tuck-in challenge(dropping my pants right there in the back yard and tucking in my blouse) and now that I've lost 4 and 1/2 lbs. following weight watchers (had to get that in there!)... following his fashion suggestion.. looked surprisingly nice! He then told me " You just need to get a belt now Mom, I will pick u up one at the thrift store!" (he kills me, does he think I am belt-less?? I own at least 20, I even have a special belt HANGER in my closet.. I just don't like to wear belts!) but instead I smiled ear to ear as he followed me inside to help with dinner.
Following our delicious yet easy dinner, my husband and I plopped into the hot tub. While soaking together I asked Mr. Petals what his thoughts on the word 'follow' were?
He said... 'hmm, I don't know... I just know I would follow YOU anywhere.'
I can't tell you what followed that... but let's just say...If the days that follow today are half as sweet... It will be a beautiful weekend.
hey.. did u follow that whole long story?! Thank-you!
1 day ago
Well, that was enjoyable to follow :-)
OMG! that was good :)
Yes, I did follow!
watch the movie from the sidewalks
Of course, I followed. Every word, every image. So heartwarming and happy. I love it...
I love this! Following along through your day and evening! I'm sitting here smiling.
awww thanks so much everyone! Just popped on here after a tiring day at work and your nice comments made me feel so good!
hope to be round to read your SS later on.
"the quickest haircut I've ever given" HAHAHA!
I guess our lives have a lot of followings. And funnily enough, as I was reading this, I was listening to a song that went: following the herd..:)
I know I have short frog legs...LOL You crack me up. Yes, I followed the whole thing. A belt hanger? I have two belts! A brown one and a black one.
I laughed at the frog legs thing, too! Your outlook on life never ceases to amaze me. :)
Did the lady with the walker pass you?
I followed right along, and will FOLLOW you on twitter right after I complete this comment.. btw, I had also scanned down and read the post about friend Jimmy FOLLOWING phish!!! BRILLIANT! Love it love it LOVE IT! - Meg
I really enjoyed following this post. Thanks for making me smile.
I did follow and am so glad I did! Excellent post, Luc. You are brilliant as ever. Been missing you and look forward to catching up more regularly now that I'm internet connected again! peace & love, deb
Hehe great post. I followed it all the way to that lovely ending! Hope you are having a good week so far!
Ask Mr. Petals if he wants to move to Utah and have more than one wife.
I follow you loud and clear ... excellent post from many perspectives all filled with the special joy you exude time and time again :)
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