What BEAUTIFUL weather we had on Saturday! Unfortunately I had to work through most of the day, but after dinner, The sun was still shining.. so, my son, Husband (aka mr. petals) and I rushed off to the board walk and we enjoyed a long walk, the gorgeous sunshine and fun talks, it felt great! We are training for a 5K walk we are participating in on Fathers day. (I'll tell u more about that another day) While walking and talking Mr. Petals shared an old story with our youngest son that he hadn't heard before. Even though I remember the story well, I not only enjoyed hearing it again... I decided to share it with all of you as my 3 year blogoversary gift!

Many years ago while walking the same board walk we ran into a long time client of my husbands and he introduced me to her... Her name was Bonnie. For many years, My husband used to cut Bonnie's hair and her son Jimmy's hair. In our business, you often watch people's children grow up each month, right before your eyes. Well, Jimmy, it seemed, was always getting into trouble. First he was kicked out of his high school, so Bonnie enrolled him into Private school. He was expelled from that school as well. Jimmy also could never hold down a job, he was drinking too much and he was always in some kind of trouble. Bonnie was at her wits end! One day she asked my husband for help. It seemed that Jimmy really really liked my husband and always opened up to him while getting his haircut, so she thought maybe, just maybe, my husband could try to talk some sense into this confused boy, who was going no where in life, and being he was so fond of Mr.Petals, he MAy finally actually listen to some good advice. Well.. It worked!
After a long talk with this young man, my husband discovered Jimmy had artistic abilities! So, Clever Mr. Petals set Jimmy up with a job working for a faux artist friend of his, painting houses. Jimmy was happy and was finally on the right track. The faux artist claimed Jimmy was working out well! Bonnie was so so grateful, SO... when we ran into her on that board walk many years ago, and I was introduced to her... She couldn't stop hugging Mr. Petals and she was RAvInG to me that He was her hero! (sounds so nice, right?? read on!...)
Shortly after that encounter...... I won concert tickets to a Phish concert from a local radio station. ( 'be the 10th caller and win tickets to a Concert !!' I was hoping for don henley tickets)
My husband and I had no desire to see this band ... so I said... 'do u know anyone who would want Phish tickets?' My husband thought of Jimmy! He got in touch with him and Jimmy (who was still working at that SAME job and Still happy) was thrilled to receive free tickets to any concert!

About a year after those free tickets.... We were walking the board walk again and WHO do we see? Yes... It's Bonnie again! All smiles, Mr. Petals greets her with a hug and asks about Jimmy. ( I am sure he was expecting the familiar praise and hugs he had received from Bonnie during the last encounter). Coldly Bonnie stares at him and says... "hmmm Jimmy! I haven't seen Jimmy in a year! REmember those tickets YOU gave him to see Phish? THat band! PHISH!..
WEll... He decided to FOLLOW them!" We were confused at first... Until she explained further... Jimmy is a Phish follower... One of those crazy fans that just follows the band from one gig to another!! My poor husband felt so awful AND responsible! He didn't know What to say to her, except...'I am so sorry to hear this'. No hugs and kisses goodbye from Bonnie this time... instead, she just gave a phony... "nice to run into u" and was on her way!! ( like a cold phish!)
We haven't run into Bonnie on the board walk or anywhere else since, and We have NO idea if green around the gills Jimmy is still on a phishing expedition, living in a phish bowl, drinking like a fish, into something fishy or just plain lost at sea!

** To Mr. Petals... don't be discouraged honey...you aren't responsible!... always reach out and help someone .. cause... (sorry.. i just can't resist).... there are plenty of (troubled) fish in the sea
Hope u enjoyed this TRUE tale as much as our son did. . .(fishing for a compliment?)
***these are all pics from 'our' board walk at sunken meadow park(courtesy of google)
Oh my COD! That's a whale of a tale! Very phisy indeed! Can you say BIPOLAR! That mother needs to hook onto a proper diagnoses, so she can reel in the truth and stop blaming others. If it wasn't that it would be something else! What a kind man Mr. Petals is! I guess he won't be singing bring back my Bonnie to me anytime soon! Really great post, I loved that story, including all the play on words. Happy Blogversary Ms. Petals, so glad you are a part of my world. Love you dear friend! Thanks for sharing this!!
Hugs Giggles
Loooooo-CEEEEEE.. you got some splaining to do. Just kidding.. it was something I've been wanting to do. I figure it's ok since you call me bahb bah bah bah bhra Ann :)
Your Phish story reminds me of the movie Almost Famous. Without the weirdness. I hope Jimmy knows the words to Tiny Dancer. Just in case.
Fascinating post. I think it was wonderful of your husband to find the boy a job and totally not his fault that the silly boy threw it away to go phishing!! Love your play on words lol!
Lovely photos too, what a beautiful place to walk.
Happy blogversary :-)
I love the beach!
Happy blogoversary!
happy blogoversary :)
I shouldn't laugh but I can't help but see the funny side of this sorry tale...I can understand Jimmy's mum being upset though! I wonder where he is now?!
I'm excited to hear about the 5k you are training for, I did one a few years ago for colon cancer -well, actually it was a week's trekking in Wales- and would love to do another one...if only I could find one here.
You must post about it and tell us all!
Happy Blogoversary!!
Bella :)
I shouldn't laugh but I can't help but see the funny side of this sorry tale...I can understand Jimmy's mum being upset though! I wonder where he is now?!
I'm excited to hear about the 5k you are training for, I did one a few years ago for colon cancer -well, actually it was a week's trekking in Wales- and would love to do another one...if only I could find one here.
You must post about it and tell us all!
Happy Blogoversary!!
Bella :)
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