This year I so truly believed in the magic of Christmas. It began with a forced effort. I consciously focused on all the people and things I am so grateful for in my life. I tried and succeeded, finding much Joy in each of our yearly traditions and I focused to find relaxation in tasks that usually caused stress. I started each day of the season, trying my best to concentrate on being the BEST I could be as a Mother, a wife, a friend, a relative, a citizen, a hairstylist and a house-guest. The pay-off for all my concentrated efforts was astounding. I really had one of THE happiest Christmases of all time!
After a fun Christmas eve with loved ones at my sister-in-laws, we spent hours at home after midnight, just laughing and talking with our kids. They are so fun and so funny and they also were in the most festive of spirits! (hmmm could it be true? when mama is happy~ EVERYONE is happy?! I think it must be true!)
Before we turned in, The kids received their traditional Christmas eve pajama gifts that I had done away with last year, due to them being spiritless sourpusses! They goofed about that and goofed around further with each other like they used to do when they were small (and goofy), back then wrestling all over the floor was a daily occurrence. ( This year, I am sure the alcohol had a lot to do with getting so goofy, but so what?!)
Christmas day was a relaxing day at home, with the laughter continuing throughout the day. Our friends and our children's friends joined us for dinner, games and Guitar hero world tour! One game we enjoyed playing this year that also brought lots of fun laughs Christmas eve and day was
"left center right". A dice game that we bet dollars on. Then, We had so much fun and so many laughs pretending to be rock stars with this guitar hero my son got as a gift! I have never been to a Karaoke bar, but sure made up for lost time last night right in my living room! As all the kids here took turns on guitars, drums and vocals, I got into the act by singing my voice to the raspy-ness it is today! (i've always been a wannabe singer!)
The camaraderie and enjoyment is so apparent in all the pictures that were taken on the eve and the day and I loved it when a relative I emailed them to commented about how much the happiness showed in the photos.
Believing in the magic of this special time of year, and pushing away the lonely, sentimental blues that always seems to haunt me during Christmas time, gave me a magical holiday and I just don't want it to end! You know what? It doesn't really have to end, does it? Attitude I believe, is truly everything! By remembering to greet each day with the same positive attitude that I willed myself to acquire and reminding myself that the gift of living life each day to it's fullest IS pure magic, Then The magic and special spirit I felt this Christmas CAN continue, hopefully effortlessly, throughout my lifetime. I truly believe we all have it in us to create our own magical happiness and help infect those around us with the same magic! This new year I hope this magic rings true for you and you truly believe that together we can generate an epidemic!

© all rights reserved Luluspetals
I'm so glad you had a magical Christmas. You so deserve it!
you really found that magic in you...
merry christmas.
Yes, there's nothing supernatural about this magic. It just is - when we let it.
Sounds like you had a great Xmas.
Loved reading this. Any festival that brings us together is magical. Like Diwali for us..
Happy holidays, Lucy!
guts wrenching out....
What a great time you had. You are a lovely mum. Can you remind me to give myself a pyjama pressie next year? Sounds like my kinda thing.
Wow, Lucy, that sounds like fun!
I'm so glad you learnt how to enjoy Christmas and that the positive attitude worked!
Guitar Hero must be so much fun :)
oh I am sooooo happy your christmas was spectacular. we play LCR all the time for money. its fun...
I feel like giving you a hug and crowing, "The best Christmas ever!" You have so expressed my feelings about the day. I'm afraid I cheated and did less scribbling than posting of photos of our marvelous day.
Sounds like a magical time was had by all! Our family plays LCR all the time and it is a great interaction game that keeps us all laughing!
Lucy, what a wonderful time you had! I can feel the love you have for your family radiating from the page. Delightful.
"when mama is happy~ EVERYONE is happy"
Take it from a loving son - this is ABSOLUTELY, 100% true! :)
Thank you for sharing your Christmas magic.
You sound as if still under the magic spell! :D
Magic happens to Magical people and YOU'RE one of the best ... Big Hugs to YOU & Yours Darlin. xoxo
You are so right and smart to choose to enjoy Christmas! I've been such a Scrooge for the last I don't know haw many Christmasses and it's just wrong. Bitching and complaining doesn't make it go away. Next year I'm going to take your advice and elect to enjoy it!
Thank You!
Magical! Guitar Hero is so much fun - everybody plays and laughs. Gotta love it. We played some Mexican Train Dominoes, too, and laughed til tears dripped off chins. Special Holidays are good for the soul! Glad you had one!
what a great post. Sounds like the whole family had a great time. I am so happy you believe in the value of family and just having a whole new attitude to share with the family. It obviously spoke volumes for all of you. So Rock on with world tour and keep on believing lol.
So happy things turned around for you! I think it can be so overwhelming preparing for it! Then it's all worth it for those few magical moments, of love, laughter and family! Happy New year my dear friend! May more of that be present in your life all year long!
Hugs Sherrie
Sometimes I'll sing so loud while I'm driving that my throat will hurt! I must have always wanted to be a singer, too.
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