So many of my sweet clients bring me beautiful gifts at Christmas time.
I appreciate there kindness and thoughtfulness SO much. One of my favorite gifts this year,
(thanks again Lyn!) was a Huge basket full of italian food goodies!! Not only was it thoughtful and VERY generous, It was also presented beautifully with fresh holly placed creatively around the food items. (so wish I would have taken a picture! Instead, I took it apart to start enjoying the foods!)
Today, when I received this lovely little.... Well THIS lovely little...Thingy ... OH and it came in a sweet little felt case too....
I knew instantly that I would have to be rude enough to say... ummm, Uhhh, What exactly is this?
Maybe you are more savvy than I... Did you already know? I had never heard of such a thing before.. but My clients Knowing what a germaphobe I am... Know just how to make me happy...
This is for my purse when i eat out at restaurants!!
It is like Carol KNEW that I NEVEr place my handbag on the floor, If I am not in a chair that allows the purse to be hooked onto the back, I sit and eat the entire meal with my purse in my lap! NOW... I just need to hook my pretty little lovely hooky thingy onto the table and WAh LA!.... No more cradling my purse while I eat!
Although my youngest son questioned if it could possibly hold the weight of all the junk I carry around! He said, "Maybe It could hold the little felt case it came in, but I doubt much more." Even though he does very well in science, I hope he is wrong! Although,I didn't chance hooking it onto my glass kitchen table for the picture, Just in case the weight would damage the glass, but maybe on a different surface like this granite on my kitchen cart? Okay, it's been there for 5 minutes! See that! I did know eventually, it was a Nice gift!
©2006-2008 luluspetals
I actually knew what it was, but only because my grandma carried one and used it in restaurants.
Aren't those cool? I'm always leaving my purse in restaurants because it was on the floor ,out of sight and out of mind. I need one of those!
Wow, it was a nice gift!
oh sure if I got one of those it would be one more thing I'd forget to take with me. I'd forget that and the purse. lol
I never knew such things exist! Thanks!
I knew instantly
Terrific gift. I'm a germaphobe, too. (Recently, I was washing my hands in the public restroom and someone in line asked if I was a nurse, too, like her.) Some grocery and drugstores in our area have begun to have free disposable sanitary wipes by the door, so you can wipe down the cart before touching it.
I've never seen anything like this nor as pretty. That goes on my wishlist! How thoughtful of her.
Well, I didn't have the faintest idea what they were. A fun post.
hey thats cool little gadget you have here
Oooh that is so cool! Hehe I was very confused about what it was at first too. What a nifty idea and a very thoughtful gift! Love the post. Unfortunately I don't think I can get my brain in gear so I am missing Sunday Scribblins :S
Wow, who knew they made stuff like that. What a thoughtful gift!
Isn't that the niftiest idea? I like your purse, too! :)
I want one! I could hang all sorts of things on that!
What a clever idea! I would have had to ask, too.
i had no clue either so don't feel like you are the only one... it is pretty,,, but will it fit in your purse so that you can actually use it??? me,, i would leave it somewhere probably the first time i used it!!!!!
OMG I know so many people that would want one of those....especially my daughter who will struggle hanging onto her purse rather than place is down! Wow excellent gift...very thoughtful!
Hugs Giggles
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