With a Sunday Scribbles prompt like 'tradition' just 3 weeks before Christmas, I am expecting many will write about their holiday traditions. Today I want to go off in a different direction. I want to talk about how traditionally in Most marriages WOMEN are the partners who are more often RIGHT.
Arguments happen. Debates happen. Men try to voice their side of things. They argue and make points and use obscure examples. Inevitably, the woman can prove to them that all those pointless points are just plain wrong! Women usually stand victorious and justifiably so. Think about arguments you've had with the opposite sex. Nine times out of ten, the female's point of view always make more sense!( maybe, we just have more fighting stamina? shhh!)
WEll, this week..I am going to make a confession. My fellow women may want to kick me out of all their clubs.. I feel I am breaking tried and true tradition... but..
HE may have actually WON one!
Now, mind you, I didn't LET him have this win.(YET) I ended the argument a few days ago, sticking to my guns that I was right and HE was wrong. He gave up easily with laughter, as if laughing it off allowed him to WIN. Was My argument SO foolish that he could just laugh it off without even TRying to make a point? I don't think so! I had the last word and felt traditionally triumphant! But .. alas, I discussed it today with three fellow married women, who agreed unanimously (and for some reason, while they were hysterically laughing) that I have GOT to give him this one. As difficult as it is for me to admit defeat, I guess I will have to tell him those three little, difficult to project, words.. 'You were right.'
Although... Just Maybe.. If I get enough Female voters to take my side, here on this post.. I can override those three valued yet possibly mistaken, high spirited, female votes!
Please Tell me what you honestly think.
Our(my) argument was simply this...
My husband has a cold. He has an awful cough. While he is sleeping he is coughing in my face without covering his mouth. I think he should be courteous while coughing and cover his cough. He thinks this- "it's ridiculous that you expect me to be considerate while I Am SOUND Asleep." I told him, I know I cover my mouth while sleeping! To which he added, You must also poop roses! (That was just another attempt of his to joke when I was having a discussion, his ploy to distract me, which he likes to do when he knows I am right!!)
So what do you think? do you also think I may be wrong in this scenario? Tell me! I can take it! (Not to sway the results of your votes, but today.. I have a sore throat, and feel a cough coming on.) "cough" "hack" "harrummmph" "hack"
Pepper says....if he's coughing on his hand he's spreading all over the sheets, the door, whatever he's touching while he's sleeping or when he awakes.....therefore he should cough into his shoulder!! ...I think he has this one!
Love Pepper
Bryan says, if he is coughing in his sleep then he should be Lysoling in his sleep too! Therefore...you are not a winner.....
Love Bryan
I say HAHAHAHAHAH...... YEAH...RIGHT... YOU DON'T SNORE OR FART in your sleep either...
this is hilarious...excellent writing...I read it with all your intonations...and it is so funny!! Love you...but hun....and I am so sorry to have to tell you....the big P man is.....you know what.....you'll have to say those torturous words....
Love and still giggling....
Well, as a man, I think it is wrong to cough in someone's face, and if it is done while asleep, best to wake them up and thus 'condition' them not to do it in future.
So ... maybe in you thinking he is right, and he is maybe wrong, that maybe means all the times you think he was wrong, he was right ;-)
I see things to be right or wrong, rather then people who vouch for it :)
HAHA... I would have to let him win the argument just for the too funny Pooping Roses comment. Still laughing about that one.
My only comment is this...When I am sick I am courteous enough to sleep on the couch or in another room so I won't keep the other person up or give them my germs. But now that your sick, you won't be able to help it if a little cough and spit goes his way.
He got you there. You should be glad your husband covers his mouth to cough when awake. People always yell at me because I don't. I'm just gross like that.
I totally agree that men should be courteous, and, yes, if he's awake and coughing, he needs to cover his mouth. This is a no-brainer.
Sorry darlin, you lost this one. Take comfort that you are usually right. lol HUG
Excuse me ladies. I wish to state that we 'mere males' are a very considerate bunch. It's just that we are misunderstood. I am so sorry, but I'm with him 100%
At least he only coughed in your face. What happened to me would make your hair stand on end. I'll tell you about it one day
just my two cents,, but being right all the time is way too much pressure for me... i would rather lose or be wrong to tell the truth,,, i dont know why,, but that is juts me......
i am thinking maybe mr petals feels the same way and to him it is more a win to let you think you have won......
Ha ha ah well you are usually right. My husband is usually right when it is not important when it is,e.g. when it is about the children than I am right
you are SO funny Lucy!! i won't belabor the point, but come on girl, covering your mouth while in a state of UNCONSCIOUNESS??!!! Um, yeah, right :)
Hope you feel better soon (and hope Mr. RIGHT feels better too!)
I'd have to give this one to him darlin'...sorry. Can't control what you do in your sleep. Make sure you sleep with your back to him...but seriously, living in the same house it was almost inevitable you'd share germs and get sick anyway. Good Handwashing...that's the ticket.
Easy fix - sleep separately. No fun, but maybe you won't catch it!
That is hilarious. We blogged about almost the same thing!
Here's what I have learned. The woman is always right, even when she is wrong.
The phrase "Yes, dear" is my friend :)
Hahah Lucy great post! I have to say I agree with your husband that it would be hard to cover your mouth whilst coughing in your sleep! But I also agree that it must be annoying for you if it keeps on happening!!
hahahahHAHAHAH! Terrific post. Since it's YOUR hubby we're talking about, I'd never expect him to spontaneously cover his germ-emitting orifice; however, once he's aware it's disturbing you, he should, of course, direct all of his MANLY skills toward OFFERING to sleep in the guest bedroom or on the couch until he doesn't wake you. Never, should he dare suggest that you sleep there. I'm in stitches (plus so sorry he's sick and you're losing precious sleep)
LOL! Lucy, I think he's got my vote this time...sorry friend ;-)
he IS sleeping! You could always just smother with pillow...LOL
I think its hilarious that you are so polite that you even cover your mouth in your sleep! wow!
pooping roses...ROFL
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