Tip toe barefoot undaunted by the night
darkened house lit only by Angel-light
Dry needles tinsel on faux pads of white snow
Cling to tip toes tip toes as she creeps down real low
Haunted by whispered naughtiness, she should be asleep in bed
Shhhh! Haunted by inquisitiveness, she must first peep instead
Quiet as can be, embellished surprises get a gentle shake
rustling sounds of papers echo however others do not wake
Not quite believing nonetheless conceiving this evenings magical delight
Tip toes, toes cold, tips back under warm covers finally asleep till first light
*When I was a little girl I could never sleep on Christmas Eve.
I remember being haunted by guilt for my secretive spying.
That is what sprung to mind with writers islands appropriate halloween prompt...
My holiday is off, but hope you liked the poem anyway.
for more haunted thoughts visit
writers island
22 hours ago
What a sweet piece! You'll be able to use it again at Christmas!
i like it!
I loved it, you sure brought one of my secrets to light :) Thanks for sharing.
My mother worked when I was growing up. She used to wrap the presents and hide them under her bed. Before she would get home, I would carefully unwrap each one and then carefully tape them again. Years later, my mother said she knew I did that!
how incredibly beautiful ...
i always opened all the presents before christmas, mine and everybody elses ~ teehee ...
Gret twist on the haunted prompt! !
How funny! Well-written!
Very nice piece. I like so much "tip toes, toes cold . . . "
have you considered writing for children?
"Cling to tip toes tip toes as she creeps down real low"
It is so good..
thanks so much everyone! Your kind words make me feel wonderful! ( Also,Glad to see I'm not the only snoop!)
Oh Lucy haven't had the computer for a few days...I love this poem....it was totally me too! Exactly the same!
Hugs Sherrie
I can just envision a little Lucy, kinda naughty, peeking...peeking...peeking! What a wonderful, descriptive poem, you talented woman!
Sorry to be late in responding and checking in here. Computer has not been happy but we are all fixed now. I love your rhyme scheme and sweet images. It would be fun to see how this plays with other holidays.
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