You feel scared right now, You are not sure what to think of a letter from an older you. Relax and sit in that favorite pink flower power chair. Yes, I remember loving it too. I want you to feel a sense of peace in knowing that I understand how you are feeling. I understand your deep desire to break free and be your own person. I know of all your insecurities and worries. I know that you have a generous heart which is feeling unfulfilled right now. You desire so deeply to feel treasured and feel loved. You watch your happy young friends who seem like they are living your idea of the ideal life. They are constantly encouraged, nurtured, Hugged ... treasured. You insightfully see that many don't even realize how lucky they truly are. I see you with your big soulful eyes yearning to burst into a different world. You are what I now consider an 'old soul'. You are filled with passion and emotion and intuitive qualities. You crave compassionate communication and connections. I need you to listen carefully! I want you to hold on to hope. Don't let every one and every thing get to you and crush your spirit. I am letting you know that your life IS going to change. You have a future in front of you that is filled with love, with children with many friends, and amazing accomplishments! Your feelings of loneliness are so difficult to bear especially at such a young tender age. Please know that there is a reason for this stage of your life. You will discover there really is a reason for everything that happens to us in life. You need to hold tight to that belief and be as positive as you can as you watch for the subtle signs, life's meaning all around you. Please trust me when I tell you, you CAN breathe easier throughout these difficult years, Your future is sunny Little Lucy. So, On those darkest days when you start losing faith and feel unsure there is a point to it all...Please revisit my letter..feel my love for you, feel my encouragement, feel me wrap a hug around you. I treasure everything about you. Trust my promise Lucy, all of your dreams of love will come true.
(p.s. as soon as you hear the word google... buy as much stock in that as you can!)
Dear Old Lucy,
I know by the time you read this letter you've come to understand and appreciate all the obstacles and adversities that you've experienced. I know you have been wise enough to appreciate and treasure even the very simple pleasures of your full life. Like I explained to you in my past letter, there are reasons for everything. Every up. Every down. Every blissful smile. Every low point. You've wisely discovered life's subtle hints and figured out the mystery of the universe in the process! Making life a better place for mankind. You can be happy in your after life knowing you've left the world a better place because of your research and your incredible, Pulitzer, Nobel prized masterpiece. I promised that you would experience many years of giving and receiving love! I am confidant that at this point, u have finally mastered the extraordinary task of loving yourself as well.
sunday scribblings
1 day ago
I love the way you communicated to your young and older self there. Marvellous.
New Prompt & Prompt News Post
Lucy, these are masterpieces of extrapolation toward both the past and the future! I especailly like the first one with its appreciation of the depth of thought and emotion in a young child. One of my sons once said,"It was always so frustrating to be a small child. I knew I was as intelligent as everyone else. I just hadn't learned as much"
Past and future both joined in forces and "u have finally mastered the extraordinary task of loving yourself as well."
Thank you for sharing TJ
Terrific! I'm curious - did you buy google? Love it. And yes, your letters are wonderfully and wisely written.
Marvelous. Oh how I wish we could actually send these letters. How much we could all benefit from the glorious knowledge that it will all be alright...
PS Loved the postscript on the first letter lol.
I like the way you look forward and see such a positive old age. You see further achievements and wisdom and contentment - we can only hope that that is indeed where we will be in future years!
I hope you acheive all of that! And learn to love yourself in the process - that's very important :)
Hey Lucy, this is great!If only we could really send such letters!
Oh Lucy, this was so good. That first one was so full of love that I wished I had that letter. You go girl! HUG
Lucy I read this when you first wrote it...very sad yet inspirational. Well written..So much love here and loads of spiritual awareness....Good for you..I see success once you get that dog baby out of your dreams!
Love you Sherrie
Brilliantly done. (I made a google reference, too. Great minds...)
Ohhhh Lucy...
I just put up a video for you (and me). "For Someone Special."
Oh the love for a child...the stock tip might be a good thing though!
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