I've been feeling a bit crazed lately. Thinking way too much about everything. Trying to figure out some smart strategies to get ahead. Trying to dissect the past, analyze the present and find optimism and peace for my future. When certain thoughts tend to cripple me with despair, I try so hard to avenge them by intently focusing on a positive perspective. I keep thinking.. of a friend I lost many years ago who never got to see her young children grow... Of a favorite client who is battling cancer for the second time...Of other friends who are living in pain every day from various illnesses and heartaches. There are so many scenarios much worse than anything I am facing or have faced. I am genuinely a very lucky and grateful lady. This forced mindset may contradict the original desperate thoughts but gee, Doesn't it all sound so exhausting?? Well, it is! A friend explained to me that all this thinking is using the left side of my brain, Imagine how tired she must be! The Right side is the creative side.. So if I put that side into motion... I can give the overworked side a rest! This week, I took that sage advice and attempted painting a picture! I feel like between balancing the left and right and a little zumba of my Rumpa in between, all my soul searching may be put into a clearer light, guiding me to what I am feeling and actually needing AND.. allow me to write without so much rambling!
I am bravely sharing my painting with you... keep in mind my artistic abilities with painting are not much better than my talent in poetry!
3 ww
I love the painting--great colors and well i just love the sea
I plan on painting when i move for exactly the same reasons you are. I don't know if I would be that brave though--but I'm not talented at all except at color and that can be boring
The painting is wonderful! It's cheery and uplifting, just like your spirit. I think your determined, positive spirit will win out over your hard-thinking brain... :~)
oh its wonderful :) you are so talented!! xo
I love it...now paint another one and get them get bigger and bigger as you go. Then you will be ready to color your world with piece of mind.
I've not picked up a brush in so many years. You've avenged my desire to do so.
that was some good advice. im going to get some painting done as well. :) and that really is a delightful piece. love the colours. did it make you feel any better?
I couldn't see the painting as I was reading so I was expecting something horrible. Then I scrolled down and fell into the ocean! what a peaceful picture! I so want to be there! Love it!
Lucy I'm so impressed....wow there is so much movement in that painting...You are discovering a side of yourself that will bring you so much delight....Well done...I'm so proud of you! That was a very sage friend....Wonderful direction!
Love Sherrie
I've posted the wonderful OWOH painting at my blog! Thank you for the wonderful art!
Woq Luce, I could never paint that well. Like your poetry it's marvelous. Hugs
Wow! Good advice and your painting is so full of energy and yet has a sense of calm. I love it. The color blends are lovely!
thanks for the love gang!
I liked the painting! We do have to be grateful for what we have, even though problems may arise.
Lucy. I saw the painting out of the corner (or would it be bottom) of my eye while reading this. Honest to God, I thought it was REAL aquarium! You have a wonderful artistic ability. And I think you know me kind of well enough to know I speaketh only the truth.
Ok. About the other stuff, and again you know I will tell it as I see it.
You, my dear, are trying to perform mental gymnastics by not allowing yourself to feel what your mind and heart are trying so hard to get you to feel. Your "stuff" is "your" stuff.. and it is just as real to you and as powerful to you as all those other people's "stuff" is to them. (*cough* minimizing *cough*)
Painting or being creative in any form is a terrific outlet. I won't disagree there. It's another tool to help you along your way.
Email me if you need to talk. I'm here for you.
Oh and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :)
You are so talented! The composition and colors of your painting are perfection! I wouldn't change a thing. You should make prints of your stuff. i would totatlly buy one!
I shouldn't have run on like I did. Feel free to delete all my comments.
Lucy I love your painting! You should give in to the right side more often! I began your post thinking, "how did she get into my head" and finished the post thinking I need to do the same thing and do some creative outlets to make it all seem better!
I hate you.
Lucy, yes, the right and left are unlikely roommates. It takes practice to quiet them both enough for harmony and peace to take root. I visualize them as two unruly children I take to the same church, ushering them up to the altar of peace, left brain counting the pews and ceiling tiles, right brain agog and wanting to touch the stained glass windows.
The painting aspect too is an urge I've been thrust against, I am sure one day when my logical spend-thrift left brain is napping my right brain will do serious damage at the craft store buying supplies.
Thanks for sharing! XOXO Meg
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