Sunday Scribblings this week asks us to write about where we come from.
I come from Italian descent. Half of my ancestors were from Naples Italy the other half from Sicily. Some of where 'I come from' was passed down to me from my italian heritage but so much more of Who I've come to be seems almost innate and somehow as if it came to me instinctively through keen observations, strong perceptive abilities and a common sense for what I see to be just and moral and truly valuable. The combination of influences have me feeling like this....
I come from a belief in strong family ties. I come from a love for fun, food and friends,wine and music, Humor, animals and love. I come from a strong belief that children must be put first. Children are our future, our past, our wisest investment. I come from speaking from the heart and loving unconditionally. I come from honesty and a caring consideration for others. I come from fair mindedness and harmonious living conditions. I come from a strong belief in equality, respect and tolerance for each other. I come from a belief that freedom, education, peace and a chance for prosperity should be every human beings natural right. I come from loyalty to my country. I come from modest means but believe in giving generously. I come to you quite humbly with a post that makes me feel pretty proud of where I am coming from.

Again..........just another lovely post :)
Hope your weekend is filled with much love, joy and laughter and....
Steady On
Reggie Girl
A great post. And regardless of where you come from, you are uniquely you, lucylulu!
It is always good to remember where you're from. Then you know yourself, and have a better chance of understanding others.
Hey sister Italiano....They should be proud to have you in that boot of a country.
this is beautifully written! I especially love the parts about children. And the ending is great!
You come from good people and you are keeping that alive in your children. Italian,oh yeah, that says it all. lol
Italian people are very family-oriented nation. I love Italian people. :)
What is Really Healthy-Health Blog
Humor & Fun World-Funny Blog
And you should be proud - this is a lovely and wonderfully warm post - it is YOU.
The passionate people who know how to live life to the fullest! I always knew you were special!! Great post, full of authenticity!!
Love Sherrie
This is lovely Lucy and so 'you'!!
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