Fast forward a few years as I watched a very close friend make a 360 degree turn in not only her appearance but her entire attitude. I guess this was her way of handling aging. I tried so hard to be supportive of the "NEW Her", and was feeling so damn guilty and sad when our friendship died. Until, once again.. The wise words of that same son.. "mom, YOU are still the same person you were when u met her.. SHE did all the changing. If you would have met her the way her personality is today, you would have Never befriended her, right? So,move on and forget feeling guilty! I listened and moved on and am not guilty anymore, but I still can't help missing the 'old her', the friend who wasn't just totally obsessed with keeping herself youthful.

I've always felt that aging is a precious gift. I lost a dear friend to breast cancer at the tragically young age of 37. She left two young children behind. Had she been graced with a choice, I will Bet you Anything, she would have chosen growing older, no matter how many wrinkles, aches and pains, were part of that package. With each passing year and each additional wrinkle to mark each year also comes an additional indentation of wisdom. As I am growing older I feel like I am absorbing, valuing and appreciating the tiny blessings that I overlooked in my youth. The feelings of awareness, self confidence and freedom from insecurities are also rewardingly blissful. Certainly worth exchanging for some saggy, wrinkly outer skin. After all, that IS all that is.. your outer covering. If we could be turned inside-out, I think we would see that the older a person is lucky enough to grow,the more radiantly beautiful their hearts and souls become.
So I am opting out of any ideas of changing my outer skin, instead I am hoping to enjoy aging for a long, albeit wrinkly time. keeping a young attitude in mind but developing an exceedingly old, sparklingly enlightened, heart and soul. (as well as improving my computer skills!!)

visit sunday scribblings
I'd rather look my age than act my age!
The cartoon is perfect! This piece is lovely - aging is life and that's a good thing. As more of my friends disappear or pass away, it makes wrinkles look like merit badges rather than marks that need to be hidden. Good post!
That sounds like a good philosophy to me.
How well you write to share the wisdom you've gained. Yes, this week's prompt pushed us to reflect. I appreciate the joy in your post. And your computer skills ARE improving, yes? I just learned about ipods. Ha!
I agree with you. well done Lucy.
You have a wonderful outlook...and a very wise son! You must be so proud. :~)
I loved reading your post...and the 'carrot' comic was perfect!
Three cheers - four even! There's nothing wrong with acting your age and I have no problem with
looking it!
Oooo no! Wrinkles are not my thing. Well, not yet!!!
Your son is an old wise soul Luce. Vanity is very unattractive.You will make a beautiful grandma Lucy one day.XXOO
There's a reason your son is so smart, you know, and it has a lot to do with his old lady.
You have a very wise son! It's true, most people grow wiser and more beautiful on the inside as they age.
And of course, the alternative is not so attractive. ;)
beautifully written Lucy- I think you have the most wonderful outlook and positive disposition and as for the way that you smile at us through your page...well, you'll be young at heart for many years yet and that is what counts more than how wrinkle-free you are!!
bella x
A wise boy from an even wiser Mom how blessed you are ;)
Thank You Darling for your lovely comments lately ;)
This is an award winning post that should be shouted from the roof tops! Your son is an old soul with wisdom well beyond his years!! This is such a smart,heartfelt punch with a sweet ending.... Love the improve my computer skills....ditto here!! You amaze me, and beauty really does shine from the inside out...you are a true beauty...always and forever!
Love Sherrie
I've always felt that aging is a precious gift.
I've never thought of it like that, but you are exactly right. What a wonderful perspective.
I definitely can relate to appreciating more of life's little blessings these days.
Great post, Lucy.
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