It's ALIVE! It's a miracle! Every-time I stand at my kitchen sink
I am astounded that this little plant which sits on my window sill, hasn't expired yet. As much as I love plants and admire them in everyone else's home, my plants never make it past their month birthday. Last May when my son escorted the kids in his class on a field trip, He brought me home a tiny impatient plant from the nursery. I thought it was so cute, because like one of the little kindergardeners he helps teach, this big man brought his mama a plant too! Despite knowing I have a tarnished thumb, I just couldn't banish this sweet gift to my flower beds. I decided to name it Tilly and leave it on my window sill, trusting I would have NO regrets from killing her, by promising myself that as soon as Tilly looked critical, I would rescue her STAT out to the front flower bed. Well here it is 8 months later.... and Tilly is still sprouting flowers for me! She is growing too big for her little pot, but I don't DARE do a transplant operation without the help of a Dr. of horticulture assisting me. My plan is to wait till spring and set her free in the garden. Although, (sigh) Inpatients are annuals, so she may flourish out there all summer but then.. alas, Tillys life will end. Terminated by my hand after all. Do u think I should chance the transplant myself? Can you believe the things I worry about?
do you see now why, I thought I should terminate this post?
You are a brave girl....because we are kindred sisters, my poinsettia started to cringe after four weeks. I banished it, (unnamed) to the garage for palliative died a cold death. Now I am certainly no one to ask....outdoor plants are more my forte. Check back with me in the spring when Tilly is ready to escape the apron green thumb is in hibernation at the moment! Sorry!
Hugs Giggles
It's a perfectly fine post!!!! Leave it here. :)
But please plant poor Tilly. :)
Hi Lucy,
It was nice coming over 2 ur blog.I'm Deeptesh from Calcutta in India.Pls do visit my blog and comment on my poems.I'll be waiting.
You crack me up!
your plant story is a good example of just how hard so many of us strive to keep time to the beat of life --- i'm glad you reposted it!!!
I used to have one of those! It got bigger and bigger and almost took my room over! So I moved it to the garden and still it grew bigger - I considered buildng a tree house in it. Then one night Jack Frost called by and that was the end of that!
Hey I grow these from little cuttings. Busy Lizzies I know them as although I see you've used the Latin name.I LOVE them!
Hey I grow these from little cuttings. Busy Lizzies I know them as although I see you've used the Latin name.I LOVE them!
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