It began with his smooth smile; my hand received his gentle caress of affection
His piercing euphoric injection ( a ruthless diversion) gave courage to my frailty
I became lost in a pleasurable escape of a vertiginous alien dimension...
A jagged decayed tooth, the taste of my blood, his obscene bill... brought me back to reality
Did i have u going there for a second?
Of course I was talking about the dentist!
This is my first time contributing to...
flash 55
three word wednesday
1 week ago
haha that made me laugh. yes you had me going! I like the ruthless diversion hehe
Laughing...yes, you had me going. I was so sure I was going to have to close my eyes while you... oh, well! Good write!
very funny! i didn't see it coming.
One of your best. Drew us all in. I love a story with a twist. You should post it as a 55 as well.
yeah yeah you sex maniac we know what you were doing.
I truly like stories with a twist. Nicely done.
Nicely done, even though I hate dentists ;-)
dentist!!! no way.. it never even crossed my mind... and my dentists shots are far from euphoria... i hate Novocain!!!!! about a wake-up call! You really had me fooled. *shudders at the thought of going to the dentist*
Very cleverly done! :~)
Very cute!
And I lobe your blog!
You are so clever! This is priceless! Will you show it to your dentist?
Echo Penny's opening comment. Ha ha!
Excellent! It too me a minute. You almost had me!
LOL! My mind for going in the gutter for a while! :D
The dentist can sure make you aware of 'painful' reality in every sense of the term!
Lucy...GREAT JOB!!!
I hope you had fun doing this because thats the idea.
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my post. Have a Wonderful Week-End...Galen
LOL you certainly had me going! That would have been a great 55 but you incorporated 3 word wednesday as well! Good stuff and welcome to 55 Flash Fiction. :)
My 55 is up too.
I hate going to the dentist! You had me going Lucy. Well done! XXOO
too funny...I was gettin all excited...then damn those sound of drills filled the air. Great 1st 55! come by and visit me. :)
Yeah, that was getting steamy there... or so I thought.
Are you related to Akelamalu? this is her favorite trick too!
Sensational debut, I hope you'll come back regularly!
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