I am very excited to discover and participate in an amazing blogging event!
it is called One World One Heart. It is conceived by one very creative Lisa "oceandreamer" Swifka
aka a whimsical Bohemian
This giveaway is a great way to meet many bloggers from all over the world. Click the logo above to learn more about the event and visit other bloggers participating
I've noticed many amazingly creative bloggers are giving away their incredible crafts and creations.
I am not crafty and don't knit,build,draw,sew.. etc...If I created something... trust me.. NO ONe would want it SO Here is what I've decided to give away... Isn't she sweet?
She is POLLY the little kitchen maid from the upstairs downstairs bears collection! This collection was designed by artist Carol Lawson and dept 56 giftware. I am guessing it was purchased in the mid 90's.
I remember the day i picked this up as a gift to myself to add to my bear collection. I was feeling like an exhausted little kitchen maid that day!
If u click the photo <<<>>>>
EZ rules...
* leave a comment on this post.
* everyone welcome to enter, make sure to leave an email address where I can reach you.
* On February 12th a random winner will be drawn from the comments left. (i plan on putting all the numbers of comments in a bowl and having my son draw a number) I will notify the winner and announce it on my blog.
* If you choose to follow my blog you'll be given two more entries to the draw!
*** A FUN SuRPriSE Gift for a second winner is being worked on as we speak!(NOT by UN-crafty me but by Mr. 'VERY CRAFTY' Petals himself!) If it's finished by 2/12.. After I pick the winner of Polly, I will put the numbers back in bowl and pick winner of surprise prize!)
My husband usually paints original ideas, but he was very inspired by Natasha Wescoat and although this is not an exact copy of her work, it is similar. This is done in acrylics on a 6"x8" canvas. Hope u love it like i do!
shes cute
please add me to your drawing
if you get the chance drop by mine at
What a sweet bear! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks !
MY E-Mail is Bleubabe at aol dot com
Cute! And stop by my OWOH!
Cute! And stop by my OWOH!
I love bears! Traveling on the gypsy caravan and meeting new folks is fun! Please add me to your giveaway. Nice meeting you!
Polly would love the bear friends I have! Sign me up!!!!
Also, please come by #128 and visit me!
Oooh what a great idea lucy! I am intrigued to see what Mr petals is creating too!
I have lots of bear to keep her company.
love the little bear! please enter my name in your drawing
also check me out at
light my torch
A giveaway? Yes! Count me in. Polly is so cute. And... if Mr. Petals finishes his craftiness, I have an idea what he's doing, I'm sure I'd be happy with that, too.
Oooo! OOooo!! PICK ME!! :) Polly looks so sweet! Please do enter my name in the drawing & come over to visit my blog! Last year, I also gave away a non-handmade bear ... this year I was able to prepare a bit faster! :D latharia(at)comcast(dot)net :D
very sweet item- please include me...I love bears!
Please enter me in the draw and don't forget to head on over to my blog to enter my OWOH giveaway (#144 on the gypsy caravan)
What a cute little bear. Please enter me in your giveaway.
She is so sweet...m...
I think it's so cool that you're participating in this...and that Mr. Crafty Petals himself is getting into the game.
oh how very nice.I actually think she and I would be able to relate..ha would love to be entered in the drawing. please stop by and visit me also when you get a chance.
How lovely! Its nice to meet you, if you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway also! Rachael at roseroom@slingshot.co.nz
please enter me in your draw, and come enter mine!
connie williams
I love bears!!
Please count me in!
I was gonna give away Boggle.
Me me me!!!!!!!
Great giveaway! Sweet little bear. Thanks for visiting me and hope you are having a great day!
So cute!..
Would love to be included. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Too, too cute!
Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am participating in OWOH also and would love for you to stop by. # 223 :-)
Awwww, she needs to come and rest at my house! Love your site! Please add me to your drawing!
Donna K Schrader
Polly is so cute! And I love surprises. :) Please count me in.
And please feel free, too, to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway!
What a darling little bear! Are those blueberries she has in her bucket?
If you are interested I am giving away some hand tatted lace on my blog! Stop by OWOH #118 :)
Please enter me. I love the bear --- I too feel like that some days.
Would love to be entered into your drawing. Love the bear.
Would love to be entered into your draw. Thanks for the chance to be the chosen one :)
Very cute bear. I would love to win. Here's my OWOH giveaway..stop by if you get a chance.
Please add my name :o)
Lovely canvas - please enter my name to your drawing! And maybe you´d like to join mine?
Sweet little bear and lovely canvas! Please add my name to your drawing! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there.
Great canvas! Your husband does great painting. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor
Ok, I am now a follower! Your canvas is just beautiful, and so is your bear!
I would jump for joy to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!
I have never been to this event before so after seeing so many presents, I became a participant!
I am so amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.
This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.
Come and visit me on Picklebeans!
Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you from the chilly Midwest!
Visit my blog too, Karen
She looks like I feel some days. Please enter me into your draw (#574)
Sweet bear, and the painting is awesome..I really like it..
the artwork and the bear are both awesome - thanks for sharing them with the world
smiles Wendy
hope you will drop by my blog too
I would love to enter your drawing for the painting. I love the colors in it. Feel free to enter mine as well. Have a very nice evening. - BJ
You have a wonderful giveaway. the bear is darling! Please enter my name to be picked in your giveaway. Stop by and visit my giveaway when you have time if you haven’t done so yet.
Cutie bear. And I have to say, I LOVE your husband's painting. Include me in your drawing, please!
Please enter me into the draw and don't forget to head on over to my OWOH giveaway to enter mine!
The bear is adorable, but the canvas is amazing. I love the bright colors.
Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.
hfsolutions at juno dot com
I love them! Thanks for the chance to win! southerner@aol.com
I'd love to win one of your prizes! Please include me in your drawing.
I am also participating in this wonderful event! http://quiltmoose.blogspot.com/
Please stop by if you haven't already.
Greetings from Germany,
count me in please. xoxo
Please enter me in your drawing! Thanks so much!
Very nice! Love the little painting. Please count me in. Stop by my drawing if you get a chance.
What a cutie! Please enter me.
Irma :)
Please count me into the drawing, and drop by and check out my new blog #479, Rusted Wings!!
Thanks so much for visiting me. I'd love a chance to enter your drawing too!
Couldn't resist entering for a chance to win that cute figurine - for one thing she's wearing blue.
Secondly, am a teddybear lover, just started a bear blog:-
Best wishes
mr cosmo and miss molly "made" me decide to follow your blog. :-)
Polly is adorable! and your husband's painting is awesome!!!
Enter me in your drawing -- PLEASE! :-)
Have a Great OWOH Blog-Hop!
"Suse Bee"
How nice to have hubby partisipate. Please count me in. TTFN
I totally LOVE that painting!Please enter me in your draw and if you havent already,dont forget to stop by my blog giveaway!
thank you for the comment and count me in!
So cute!! Please count me in and if you haven't visited by blog yet, please do to enter my OWOH giveaway. Thanks!
Please enter me to win Polly. How can you part with her?
They are both extraordinary gifts. Your pup looks just precious in the pics! Drop by my blog to sign for my watercolor painting giveaway ;)
Awwww, so sweet. I love the painting! Please add me to your giveaway :)
That is a cute bear. And Mr. Petals sure did a great job on the painting!
I would love to enter your drawing please. :)
Thank you for doing a giveaway!
snowpumpkin *at* gmail.com
Awww...Polly is so cute! I'm sure she could teach me a thing or two in the kitchen! :)
And the 2nd giveaway is great! I love the colours used! Mr Petals did a great job!
Please enter me in the drawing! :)
Thanks so much for your generosity!
All the best,
gloomy_liv AT yahoo DOT com DOT au
Both would be a wonderful gift! Count me in too, please. Thanks Karen
Please count me in, the painting is beautiful - you have a very talented husband!
How nice! You are so talented! Please count me in :) I'd be so delighted to win one of your pieces!!
Many thanks to you; have a great day!
Wow what treasures!!
So talented thank you ! shabby harbor at yahoo dot com
WOW how nice I love bears. I would love to win. THanks
I love your Giveaway & would love to be included please…
Do pop on over to My Place [if you haven’t already] & see what I’ve got to giveaway too[# 768 in the Gypsy Caravan]… OOroo … Bethel … Down Under
Gorgeous little prizes, please count me in! I've joined OWOH this year too, drop by my blog at http://urbanfireflycreations.wordpress.com/ :)
I'd love to win this bear.
I'm a follower!
I would love to win Polly! Your site is so beautiful. I would love to win your prize. After this is all over I’m going to spend more time viewing every ones. Please stop at my site too. I’m giving away my new book “16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood.” I will personally sign it for you.
Barbara #830
I love the painting, your husband is very talented
please include me in your draw
Fantastic giveaway! I would love to win either one! Please enter me!
I love the Upstairs, Downstairs books and tv show, and your husband's painting is great. I hope you'll stop by and check out my giveaway, if you haven't already. http://ebogie.blogspot.com
Wow, the bear and painting are great prizes. Please tell your husband that's an incredible painting. I would love to have one of your sewing caddys and your CD. Great prizes. Thank you for participating in the wonderful giveaway. Please enter my name into your drawing. It would be such a delight and honor to win. Jody
OOops, I think I need a nap. I just commented on your bear and painting and then my mind wandered to another giveaway and I commented on it, too. (Please forgive my blunder in my previous post) and please sign my up for your giveaway. I do so love the bear and the painting. Jody
Lovely. Please enter me in your give away and if you have not done so hop on over to my place and enter my giveaway.
I like your painting!!
Thank you for joining in and letting me see your blog.
I will be teaching for the first time at Art and Soul and Artfirberfest. This bloggy world is so much fun with Art every where. Throw my hat into the ring for your giveaway too. And please come see my Blog and my giveaway if you haven't already. January 19th post.
click here for me
My husband has a music giveaway too.
click here for my husband John Doan
Happy New Year and Artful Blessings.
please enter me!
madamerkf at aol dot com
What a wonderful giveaway. It is so nice to meet you during this event.
Have a wonderful day,
What a great giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing.
#813 on the OWOH Caravan
isastephanie @ yahoo.com
Wonderful prize. Please enter me in your drawing and if you have a chance visit me at my blog #795.
wow realy nice i love to win that bearits realy nice and well well iit would fitinwith all my other ones pleaseenterme infor this thanks
wow realy nice i love to win that bearits realy nice and well well iit would fitinwith all my other ones pleaseenterme infor this thanks
Nice!!! Please enter me! OWOH #834
Oh what fabulous giveaway prizes. The bear is so cute, and the painting is absolutely beautiful. Please enter my name into your fantastic drawing. Thanks,
As sweet as that little Polly is, I hope I win second place as I am in love with the painting. Awesome! I would love to win. Please enter me.
And, come by and join mine too. I am #563 - stampgram.blogspot.com
Lovely prizes! :)
Greetings from Munich,
# 756 on the caravan :)
tell Mr. 'VERY CRAFTY' Petals that I love his painting!! Please put me in your drawing and if you get the chance check mine out too #906.
I love the story behind the bear, and the colors on the canvas just POP! What wonderful giveaways you've offered~please add my name to your giveaway list.
I love your gifts, please count me in. Sharon Like your music too!!!
That painting rocks!
Pretty Things
Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. Please enter me in your drawing.
Come visit me. #789. http://fanniecarte.blogspot.com/2009/01/one-world-one-heart.html
Aloha from Texas,
Sweet! I hope I win! Thanks!
Please enter me in your drawing and be sure to come by mine at #857 if you haven't already. What a great giveaway.
...I'm from North Florida - and you have an orange and a tree... (we don't have many orange trees in North Florida! lol) I love the 2nd prize most of all!
Please enter me in your giveaway and if you haven't entered mine, please come on by!
(#905 - OWOH ) Jana
P.S. I'll be coming back to hang out …I started late entering and I'm rushing to get to all of them! …
So many giveaways - so little time! :)
Cool, please include me in your draw.
Can I take Polly home? The painting is beautiful as well.
mythoughtsandmyvoice (at) yahoo (dot) com
Very nice, I would love to be included!!
Great giveaway! Please enter me for a chance to win. Thanks!
What a beautiful gift! Please visit my blogs for the different One World One Heart giveaways I am offering.
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