
I chaperoned my son's symphonic band class to Carnegie Hall yesterday
Upon it's grand elegant stage they'd been granted the rare chance to play
The day started out quite stressful at school for their poor teacher, Mr. Lee
When one student showed up wearing old sweat pants & a wrinkled up Tee
The teacher began screaming, I saw his veins nearly popping out of his head
over the disarray of a student who looked as if he had just climbed out of bed
After much tension, chaos, phoning parents, dealing with many irksome fusses
We finally got this rubble of 100 dapper high school students onto the three buses.
The bumpy ride into manhattan went off without a pained hitch
(Unless you consider it torture hearing squeaky teen girls sing off pitch)
We Arrived at the hall, a magnificent treasure in the heart of the city!
But the behavior of some of the students! Oy Vey! what a pity!
Some were cursers some were lovers some walked way too slow
that we needed to shake 'em up, wake 'em up and yell "let's GO!"
We did SO much climbing of steep stairs, up up up round and round
(I think I must have HAD to have lost at least 15 pounds!)
Finally the golden performance, the acoustics! the thrill!
The skilled school band played so amazingly well!
Mr. Lee beamed as he conducted then as the applause grew..
One mans fulfilling moment, his life's dream come true
I so hope each child appreciated deep in their very young heart
This unique honor and opportunity to validate their melodic art
my son expressed it was scary upon a stage so awesome and grand
but he felt privileged to play his trumpet at Carnegie Hall,
along with his band

Upon it's grand elegant stage they'd been granted the rare chance to play
The day started out quite stressful at school for their poor teacher, Mr. Lee
When one student showed up wearing old sweat pants & a wrinkled up Tee
The teacher began screaming, I saw his veins nearly popping out of his head
over the disarray of a student who looked as if he had just climbed out of bed
After much tension, chaos, phoning parents, dealing with many irksome fusses
We finally got this rubble of 100 dapper high school students onto the three buses.
The bumpy ride into manhattan went off without a pained hitch
(Unless you consider it torture hearing squeaky teen girls sing off pitch)
We Arrived at the hall, a magnificent treasure in the heart of the city!
But the behavior of some of the students! Oy Vey! what a pity!
Some were cursers some were lovers some walked way too slow
that we needed to shake 'em up, wake 'em up and yell "let's GO!"
We did SO much climbing of steep stairs, up up up round and round
(I think I must have HAD to have lost at least 15 pounds!)
Finally the golden performance, the acoustics! the thrill!
The skilled school band played so amazingly well!
Mr. Lee beamed as he conducted then as the applause grew..
One mans fulfilling moment, his life's dream come true
I so hope each child appreciated deep in their very young heart
This unique honor and opportunity to validate their melodic art
my son expressed it was scary upon a stage so awesome and grand
but he felt privileged to play his trumpet at Carnegie Hall,
along with his band
Wow what a honor to sit and play at Carnegie Hall. I've never even seen it so I appreciate the photos.
How impressive is THAT? What a treat for a mother and the trumpeter. Impressive, I guess!
what a unique chance!!! i would so be living vicariously there and proud. :)
That's a great achievement. well done, there.
and what a grand memory to share with your son!!! wow lucy that is pretty darn impressive!! i would like to know more about how they got there....
You completely took me in. A proud moment..
3WW: mysticism
Oh what fun, the whole thing, the kids, the poem, the performance!! Thanks for sharing!
Hugs Giggles
A very proud moment. Thanks for sharing.
You must be so proud and quite rightly! :)
How wonderful. I love the way you wrote your account!
I wish I'd known - I could have joined in with my swany whistle! Only kidding, I lost it years ago.
That's such an honor to play there. If they don't get it now, they will. XXOO
What an exciting experience it must've been for these kids! You wrote this so cleverly...I caught your pride and excitement, and you made me smile. :~)
That is such a great opportunity - to visit a place like that on a field trip. I'm glad you got to go with them.
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