Lately I keep waking up with my eyes so puffy and swollen. After a few hours they look normal again. I keep thinking it's because I am approaching that ever so surreal 50th b.d . I guess, as I sleep everything just DROps and squishes together?? I don't really know! Mr. Petals laughs and suggests I insert hollowed cucumber slices into my reading glasses. This morning my eyes were so swollen, I actually held an ice cube over my eyes a few minutes before heading off to work. My first client ( also 49 yrs. old) wasn't in my door 5 minutes before she looked in the mirror at herself and said.. 'OH These allergies, My eyes are so swollen EVERY day!' I said 'Allergies?? uh.. I have the same problem Kate and I hate to tell you.. I DOn'T think what we're suffering from is allergies!' She was adamant.. "NO it is ! Look how puffy I am!" I just kept laughing at her refusal to admit that It was more likely the natural aging process at work! So for The rest of our conversation, I blamed EVErYthing she complained about On those same damn allergies... When she said she had NO patience for her kids... I said... 'THAT's allergies! They make u so damn cranky'. Later on she was talking about her memory loss... 'Yeah, allergies are a killer on the memory! ' We really had some fun laughs over this, until.. Kates 70 yr. old mom popped in to say hello. She was wearing THE largest Hollywoodish type sunglasses. I told her 'WOW you look like a movie star in those giant glasses'... She took them off and said... 'Well, Look at what these allergies are doing to my eyes! I have to wear them! ' We nearly fell off our chairs in hysterics.
I am sitting here thinking back on all of this and I'm thinking that maybe... just in case... I will try taking an allergy pill before bed (but most likely, tomorrow.. I will be looking through the sunday circulars for a sale on giant sunglasses)
That's funny! I would have laughed hysterically when her mom said that. I have an award for you!
Ha! I know that puffiness under my eyes is not due to allergies.
Time to cut out the salt and whine....I mean wine!! lol...such a happy funny post...loved it!!
Second thought get the glasses....more fun that way!
Big hugs Giggles
girl, i popped a claritin before i even finished reading!!!!!!!
take a peek into mine at
excuses excuses we are just getting old. start buying stock in cucumbers. lol
Thanks for the laugh. Been reading your blog off and on since my first sojourn into the Sunday Scribblings. Not quite 50. One more year and believe it or not, even us men have that issue, we just don't talk about it-until next time.....teach
When I wake my eyes are so tiny I can hardly see through the little slits! But then you are a quite a
bit .....forget that!
I always thought my puffy eyes had something to the red wine I drank the previous night!
Please excuse Rosey, I'll have a word with her.
Allergies. The cause of puffy eyes and the mortgage crisis.
Dang.. I must have allergies, too!!! :P
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