Have you noticed there seems to be such a breakdown in our society? A breakdown in courtesy. A breakdown in family values. A breakdown in respect for your fellow man. How do kids have a chance to learn about morals, values, and general decency, when they are so often exposed to the pitiful behavior of their own parents.
My husband and I went to dinner the other night at the Outback. Not a fancy place, but It is still a restaurant. We were seated in a booth and across the aisle also in a booth was a Mother and her daughter. For their entire dinner, the Mother had her feet stretched across and propped up on the opposite booth seat. For the entire dinner, she basically ignored the girl and 'played' with her phone or blackberry or whatever the heck she was busy with. Every-time the waiter approached her, she didn't bother looking up at him either, She just barked what she wanted and kept her nose in her phone.
Maybe I have attention deficit disorder or something, I couldn't stop observing her inappropriate, rude behavior. It was distracting me. When I take one of my kids to dinner, part of the reason I love that we are eating out together, is so that I can totally focus my attention on THEM. No others chiming in and taking the floor. THEY can tell me everything on their mind, they can have my undivided attention. I am not cooking, or ironing or cleaning Or ON THE damn Cell phone. I am so Thankful to be Absorbing The importance of MY CHILD! I wanted to go over and shake some sense into that moron AND also inform her that it's bad manners to have her dirty boots on someone else's furniture. I couldn't help wondering...
What if I DID do that? Do you think that kind of bold interfering would totally unlock someone's inner fury? Or Would they be acting angry but in fact be feeling guilt? Or would they be grateful for being enlightened? Wouldn't it make me just as rude as she was? I came to the conclusion, If I ever had the nerve to be so rude and bold, I bet for sure, I would have gone home with her bloomin onion on my head and her Boomerang burger around my neck. Hate to even imagine where she would assault me with that cell phone!

wishing my 3 ww friends a very happy thanksgiving tomorrow.
There are no manners anymore, because parents stopped teaching manners in the 80s. And it's a shame. You making a comment wouldn't have changed a thing. Sadness.
Martha stewart needs to broadcast manners everywhere.
People and there cell phones keep making me crazy!!!I have a phone too but I hardly ever use it.I see people wasting there whole lives playing with those stupid phones!!!They don't even care who they are talking to or texting as long as they can do it and not focus on the real world in front of them.
This is verbatim how I feel. I think the world is in a huge disconnect! From manners, morals, each other, intimacy, life! Sad really....and they wonder why everything is so screwed up! I'm not gunna lie it's a mess....people need to snap back into reality.... live in the moment, hear what their kids are saying....read between the lines, and teach by example. And think about it people, some families have enough cell phone bills in their homes that could pay a mortgage...stupid money spent....buy a pay as you go for emergencies. Save the money and go on a holiday as a family!
Good one Lucy!
Hugs Giggles
I so agree with you - and love the image of the bloomin' vegie riding a head! LOL I wonder if manners will make a comeback - it seems the pendulum has swung far enough, already!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Manners and morality are fast becoming a thing of the past. Hopefully one day they will reemerge. And your post shows that it's been going on for two generations now. I shudder to think what the next generation will be like when their grandparents are as bad, too.
Lucy, this is so well written! Amazing how people act!
Yesterday one of my students told me that when his father gets upset, he goes upstairs and smokes a bong then he's all set. Nice role model, huh?!
What is the wsorld coming to?
Happy Thanksgivng!
i wonder sometimes if every generation has been as disappointed in "the way things turned out" as we are... remember when we thought we knew it all??? what happened to that... where did we,, and i include myself in that we,, go wrong???
for those of us more or less "brought up" by ourselves,, without the benefit of a mother who was ever there,, all i can say,, is i am sure we would be a more inviting generation to be around had we had someone like you at the helm....
love you luc.....
I love that you're making this a regular theme! I suppose saying something to her wouldn't have been the best thing for the child since it was her mother, but if you could have gotten her alone, I think it would be interesting to see her reaction. There are no cell phones at the dinner table, at home or in restaurants. That's our time to connect with each other. Love the photo of the bloomin' onion on the guy's head!
How sad Lucy, I'd be distracted too! I think they should add a money and manners class in schools. Too many parents don't teach it at home. They are also the same voters who won't pay our teachers what they deserve. ARGH!
I understand what you mean about going for dinner. It really should be a time to focus and have a conversation. It is for me too.
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