I want to share a cute idea I had one Thanksgiving a few years back.
I had about 17 guests coming for dinner. I rummaged through old photos and found baby pictures of most of the kids coming and The youngest pictures I could find of the adults.
I went to the dollar store and bought 17 tiny gold frames. I used these in place of place setting cards when I set the table. Next to everyones plate, was a little gold frame. I told the youngest children to try to guess WHO was WHO and WhERE everyone should sit. The kids got such a kick out of seeing everyone in their youth And they had trouble deciding which baby was which kid! It really made for a fun time and of course everyone enjoyed bringing home their little frame.
here is the one I made for my husband...
and one for my middle son..
weren't they such cutie pies? Ever notice that every little boy in the 50's and 60's were dressed in the sharpest little suits? They were like little gangsters back then. My boys didn't own a suit till their first communions.. anyway..
I hope someone reading might decide to try this during an upcoming celebration!
If you do, hope you will let me know how it goes! (I so wish I could find a picture of my holiday table set with all the little frames.)
nablopomo day 12!
That is an absolutely brilliant idea! Now I wish we WERE doing Christmas dinner at my house this year..... We've hosted for the last few years and this year we've been let off the hook. I'm going to keep this idea for next time though!
Its great. my girls and I used woooden frames and then decorated the frames with christmas greenery and attached a loop so they could be hung on the tree. everyone loved them and had a little gift to take home.
Very good idea! Your posts have been awesome lately!Come get linked up today!!
Such a clever idea! I'd steal it but it might be hard to get baby pics of our friends...maybe though!
I can so relate about jumping through hoops below. Ugh.
Lucy this is the coolest idea - I love it!! I'm going to try it at the next family reunion in May~
That is a fabulous idea. I don't have that many pictures. Although most of the ones I have are probably that old :) I think maybe it's a man thing.
The holidays seem to have really snuck up on me this year. I just can't believe it's two weeks until Thanksgiving.
Hope you are well.
Aww that really does sound fun - great idea!
This is a great idea, so is Tamara's!
Hugs Giggles
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