Congratulations President Barack Obama!!
Hearing the momentous result has moved me to tears of tender wonderment!! Maybe I am just foolishly idealistic but I really feel like this was not only an amazingly historic election, I feel like It's an election that has finally given us a genuine humanitarian. THIS is a man, who is going to strive to put our country back on track. He gives us hope. He gives us comfort. He gives us a chance for much needed change. I've wished for a day when America could have a leader that could be perceived as a national treasure, so much so, that even the late night shows cut him slack. I believe in free speech, But I always feel we belittle our country by the constant ridicule that Our presidents receive. The gravity of such insults can disparage a nation. Maybe Just maybe, President Obama has the unique nuance that it takes to make that wish come true.
It starts with unity... Even if he wasn't your choice..let's all stand by and support our new leader. If Americans can peacefully respect a majority vote, Respect their leader, I feel our wish for peace is possible too. We HAVE to believe there is hope for OUR country.
I hope you are right Lucy, this election affects the entire world at the moment
I'm so happy this morning that I can barely contain myself. I finally feel like it is okay to breathe deeply again. I agree with you that unity and respect are the keys to Obama's future success.
[And because I am a bit ornery at heart, click on this link for a laugh. http://ismccainpresident.com/]
Well said. You have to believe.
I am hoping he will be the one to finally unite us all....well said.
i am so with you on this,, without us and our total and complete willingness to change as change sees fit,, he is just another guy no one will like and cant wait to get rid of at the end of his term...
the reverend jesse jackson made a statement, this morning i think every american should read,, he said,, and i paraphrase,, that he believes each one of us will be called upon to sacrifice in order to bring change under the obama administration,, and i am hoping that each one of us will be not only willing,, but eager to do so in order to see the change we so need come to fruition....
Isn't it exciting?!?! By the way, I've started a Wednsday Link Day so if you have any posts you want people to read/see you can add it! Come on by!
I am happy but I hope people remember he is a man and change takes time.
I love hearing how excited everyone feels.
Change does take time Tammy, but Americans can be patient.
I will google Rev.Jacksons speech Pais.
thanks so much for commenting everyone!
I loved the way you included the 3WW into your piece on this historic election. Sadly I believe the only change our county is about to see is its slow slide into liberal socialistic dogma where the lower class will continue to be dominant by those with the money and the power, to include the rich politician walking timidly in the Rose Garden. But that in no way distracts from the enjoyment I had in reading your reactions to the election. Thanks for sharing them! :-)
Yep.. this is what I meant as well! The whole thing about HOPE!!! Well said. :)
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