THE following horrific news story was in my local Daily News today. I am embarrassed to be a long islander, I am embarrassed to be an American, I am embarrassed to call myself a human being, if that's what these shoppers dare call themselves. This is a sign of our times and the breakdown in society that I just recently wrote about... This is a disgrace of outrageous proportions. My heart breaks for the victims and their families, but my heart fears for the future of our world, the world that my kids and others have to grow up and try to exist happily and safely in.
"Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede
A Wal-Mart worker died after being trampled when hundreds of shoppers smashed through the doors of a Long Island store Friday morning, police and witnesses said.
The 34-year-old worker, employed as an overnight stock clerk, tried to hold back the unruly crowds just after the Valley Stream store opened at 5 a.m.
Witnesses said the surging throngs of shoppers knocked the man down. He fell and was stepped on. As he gasped for air, shoppers ran over and around him."
(click the pink word 'story' for the entire article, a pregnant woman was trampled as well as others injured...)
please talk to me, tell me what you are thinking, I am just numb from this news not to mention the numbness from the tragedy going on in India. Are you all as discouraged as I am feeling?
I definitely think that the balance that we all once felt is slowly and dangersously wavering. Good does not seem to rule out over evil anymore. What kind of people have we turned into when a Walmart sale item out weighs human life. I hope those people who trampled him have a nice Christmas. There gifts will have blood on them.
I am just shocked and I can't stop thinking how stupid it is for people to fight over material things.
I hope that the cameras caught pictures of the exact person that knocked him down and then the first person to step on him.I think charges need to come up against some of these people.
I think the whole Black Friday hoopla has gotten ridiculously out-of-hand. It was inevitable that this would happen one year. No sale item is worth the madness this day has turned into.
The fat cats in their offices and the media are responsible for the ridiculous spectacle Black Friday has become. I'm sure the media was practically salivating at this news story. The whole thing is just sickening.
had these people been involved in a home invasion robbery and trampled,, or bludgeoned the home owner to death,, they would face the death penalty in many states... but since it happened in the pursuit of christmas presents,, no one will be held accountable... well except for walmart,, i can hear the personal injury lawyers chomping at the bit for a piece of that as we speak.....
sad state of affairs indeed.....
I read about this in the Houston Chronicle. I thought it would get more press than it has, though.
I think the stores that allow the mob mentality are to blame. It's just greed. On the part of the stores and I guess the customers, too. They could have still had a crowd and prevented this. There were security guards at Target last year, and they only let a few people into the store at a time.
I did not go to any of the "super-stores" on Black Friday this year, and I'm glad I didn't.
It's disgusting and scary to see this kind of desperate behavior. Buying was up 3% on black Friday. Was a human life less important than a sale on a big screen TV.
Let me at them! Jodi is right, they will blame Walmart and have. Grrr!
Wow that is crazy. Terrible, really. I don't think I could join in that mad rush. Imagine losing a loved one in that way, it is completely uneccesary and could have been prevented...
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