I am feeling Like I am in a constant state of being 'unsettled' Don't ask me to explain, as I don't even know what that means. It's like I am anxiously awaiting a monumental change to take place.
I guess we could guess that change is,well.. THE change! I am about that age! My poor husband wakes each day and doesn't know WHICH wife he should expect will greet him. Snapping one minute, and crying the next. Laughing at his usual antics or getting totally annoyed by them. Needing to be held followed by needing to be left totally alone! (I know what u must be wondering and..No! I've haven't been diagnosed with a mental illness! YeT!) I've never been one to turn to drugs even for a headache, but let me tell you I am thinking about taking SOmEthiNG right about now! My adult kids have been telling/teasing me for years.... "Mom, you need pot more than anyone we know!" To which I usually snippily respond.. What the hell does that mean?! Could it be, my kids are more insightful than I give them credit? Where does one even get pot?(unfortunately, I bet my kids know the answer) Can u imagine? Me on drugs? with my indigenous paranoia, I will be scared to death it's tainted pot! I better invest in a Much TALLER wine glass. That's about all i think I can handle.
I know you have nothing that you can say that can help me.. but gee.. any words of wisdom or support would be so appreciated ( well, just know, right NOW they would be but by the time I read them they MAY piss me off)
I can relate Lucy, you're not alone buddy. Mood swings are my specialty. I know it's happening but I'm unable to stop. It's like I'm watching myself act like someone else. lol
Snappy turtle wife....interesting...or hyena spouse, wow you are a animal of many different coats..
Don't worry be happy, remember that song? How's that workin for ya???
Yeah just about how it would work for me when those hormone dips happen. Hang in there monkey lady....
this too shall pass......then it's the sweats....ho hum....so much joy.... I think that tall wine glass may just be the answer...
Big hugs
They sell wine in those nice gallons.
The first few years after me and hubby met, I was going through THE CHANGE. He started smoking in his mid-forties because of that.
It does pass. Eventually.
Me too. Exercise helps. Followed by a glass of wine. ;)
Me too! Why is it that woman have to deal with all of this shit??? Periods, child birth, menopause and men?? Guess what mood I'm in today LOL!
Gill above said it well! I'm empty nest now, but those hormones are acting wacky even though our teenage daughter is away at college. Thank goodness my husband is patient (unless I'm exaggerating (ahem lol) on a blog post).
Hugs as you go through this. I embrace being a woman, but this side of hormones is just not as fun as the frisky part! ;D
as i can see here in the comments we are not alone... i swear at times i am going absolutely stark raving insane.....
i wonder why we don't talk about this topic more often... maybe i will have to be the one to carry the torch from here........
I've had a friend (male) tell me before that as funny as he generally finds me, he'd love to see me high. I never know quite how to take it, but I do know it's not gonna happen :)
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