OH MY God it's A BOOK!!!
One of my clients just MADE mY week!
I have been going crazy over the HBO series- True Blood. Have you seen this show? Do you think it's as HOT as I do? I feel a tiny bit embarrassed to admit this to EVERYONE! but mama mama mia, I really find it extremely exciting each week! Be warned it is NOT for the kids! Not even the BIG kids! I chase them all away, it would be like watching a porn with your family, NOT exactly my style!
BUT NOW when it goes off the air in two more episodes. :(
I will start the books. They are called The southern vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris.
The first in the series is called Dead before Dark. I just reserved it at my library. If you want to know the premise read what Wikipedia had to say.. here
I am getting such a kick out of HOW many of my FEMALE clients are as fired up over BILL the vampire as I am! Holy Moly talk about your desperate housewives! One woman that i know for so many years was so excited telling me about her favorite scene that I didn't recognize her!
I've never heard her get so loud or laugh so hard! haha During one episode, BIll (the hottie vampire) climbs out from under the earth, Naked and well.. HOT and just makes love to sookie (Anna Paquin) right there in the dirt. I am hoping, like it usually goes, THE booK will be much better! much more detailed! and even Hotter! haha I may never take the time to blog again if these books are as thrilling as the show! I'm surprised that after all these weeks watching it, I've never noticed the book mentioned in the credits.
I'm NOT surprised that my husband chose his halloween costume wisely this year. YeaH! he went to work decked out in fangs, cape and nice pale face! He didn't want me to show the pic! damn!
(very Bill ish! )
Oh my goodness,the show is like porn? I need to get HBO! teeheehee..
I didn't know they had vampire porn on HBO either! I'll have to check out the book. teehee
I don't get HBO but after reading this review, I wish I did!! LOL
Sorry I haven't been by and thank you for visiting my blog while I was 'away'...lol
It was nice reading everything and catching up! :D
Girl take yourself a cold shower and stay away from that TV.
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