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another frenzy
This whole internet thing is so frightening. I know I am pretty naive, but I am starting to realize, when it comes to this forum I am pitifully naive. I have this site meter thing on my blog only because My blogging mentor advised it. I have rarely checked this thing. Well, I was mortified to see that every perv out there who types in 'Ass Massage' is coming up with that old post I wrote about THAT! (ooops! I guess they will see this one too!) Then, horrified I googled my blogs name. WELL! I don't KNow HoW but stuff comes up that knows about where I went to beauty school! Where I work! (ooops again!) I mean It's not like I googled my ACTUAL name! Shouldn't we all be concerned about this? I am feeling naked. I feel like I want to close all my shades and stay inside a while. I also see there are other Luluspetals. One girl added the word ARt (from what I saw she is quite a good artist.) Her email is one dash off from mine. As freaked out as I am I am also perturbed by this, I thought that was only my name. I don't know a lot but I think all this information will ALWAYS be out there, am I right? AFter I am dead, will googling ass massage (ooops, did it again) link future pervs to read all my about MY past? How DOES this actually work? Does anyone else find this disconcerting? Maybe I can start a new blog, not tell any true facts and invite no friends. but, That just doesn't sound like much fun. I think I am going to at least change my photo to a cartoon or something like this...
It is a bit disturbing, but I figure that any ol' perv could see me in the shops and follow me home if he REALLY had a mind to, without the internet. So I try not to get too upset about it. If someone actually started emailing me or something like that I'd get pretty uptight though for sure!!
LOL the guys looking up "ass massage" must be pretty disappointed when they find your relatively tame post hee, hee!
Haha Lucy are you getting paranoid....don't worry about it. Just keep in mind what you write is forever out there. It just keeps us more mindful.... That angel really is you! Did you try googling images too?
Hugs Giggles
pop a soy lecithin a couple a black cohosh and a magnesium or three,, and don't worry about it... just keep being you and doing what you are doing...
and oh yeah,, stay the hell outta google if it scares you!!!!!
google is huger than huge and knows everything,, which can be scary,, or you can think of it as an endless stream of instant information there 24/7 365- what you want,, when you want it......
and most of it isn't even about you.......
Yep. I know your pain and horror. It's the stealing of the title and contents that got to me the most. But the personal identity stuff is freaky too.
Like you I've thought of starting a private blog, but don't know if that would be much fun. It sucks, doesn't it?
Hey, Lucy your alone on this one. I haven't gotten laid in years I'm hoping a Perv comes to my blog. lol
LOL at Queen Size!
I used to worry about people seeing too much (especially when I saw them searching for a porn star that has the same name as the one I use for my youngest daughter!) but then I just decided the heck with it.
Just always be aware that Big Brother...and all his watching and don't give out toooo much private info.
I think about this stuff too. I don't get weird searches, but I've felt invaded a time or two. It's a public forum, so I try to be careful about how much identifying information I put out there.
Nice way to bring more traffic LOL!
Hmm yeah this really bothers me about the internet. I guess it's why I'm so private on my blog. I wish we had more control over taking things OUT of search results. It is weird, but I think eventually when the pages are old and just left they won't come up so highly on the search anymore.
that pic is priceless!
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